
建设人类:CEO的周日电子邮件Building People : Sunday Emails from a CEO

建设人类:CEO的周日电子邮件Building People : Sunday Emails from a CEO  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,

作者: Mun Leong Liew 著

出 版 社:

出版时间: 2007-11-1字数:版次: 1页数: 292印刷时间: 2007/11/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470822906包装: 平装编辑推荐

作者简介:Liew Mun Leong’s distinguished career in both the public and private sectors spans almost 40 years.

He has worked as an engineer and was appointed the Registrar of Singapore’s Professional Engineer Board. Mun Leong has also served as CEO of two statutory boards in the fields of industrial research and national standardisation,.and he was elected President of the worldwide International Standards Organisation (ISO).

In the private sector, Mun Leong has led several public-listed companies and is the Group President and CEO of CapitaLand Ltd, South East Asia’s largest listed real estate company.

Mun Leong’s passion for “building people” and creating the right corporate culture is the cornerstone of his leadership. He frequently writes “hobby emails” to his colleagues and shares his vision, core values and strategy in a simple and sincere way. This book is a compilation of nine years of “hobby emails” to his colleagues.

Mun Leong was awarded the Public Administration Medal by the Singapore Government in 1979 for his illustrious career in the public service. For his performance in the private sector, he was named the Outstanding CEO of the Year in the 2006 Singapore Business Awards and conferred the inaugural CEO of the Year award at the 2007 Singapore Corporate Awards.


“Building for People to Build People; Building People to Build for People.”

"In real estate, the common mantra is location, location, location or timing, timing, timing. But we think it should be people, people, people. It is people who make decisions on both."

"Building people with right core competencies is important. But they must also have the right core values."

"We can take calculated market or operation risks. However, we cannot take any reputation risk at all."

"Linking real estate with the capital market is one of the strategies to create more Capital from Land."

"Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) are part of our corporate culture."

"We have successfully 'exported' real estate overseas."


Chapter 1: The 3 Ps to Success (The 3Ps-The Keys to success)

28 Sep 1998 Persevering to stay on top

12 Oct 1998 Perfection is a mental discipline

17 Oct 1998 Being a perfectionist

2 Nov 1998 Plan, plan, plan

16 Nov 1998 Remember Murphy's Law!

28 Nov 1998 Paranoia in business

12 Dec 1998 Perseverance is the genius in disguise

23 Mar 2002 10 years' failure, lifetime success

Chapter 2: From MICE to ICE (From Mice to Ice-Fighting competition)

6 Mar 1999 Five frogs on a log

27 Mar 1999 Taking smart Initiatives

26 Aug 2002 Creativity pays

5 Jun 2006 Who stole our cheese

27 Nov 2006 Catching MICE with ICE-CapitaLand's new corporate culture

11 Dec 2006 Winning with Ideas

26 Feb 2007 Tip of the iceberg

Chapter 3: Execution excellence lies in the details

23 Dec 2001 Osama Otak

7 Jan 2002 Cultural integration

21 Feb 2002 Don't let fertile water flow to other rice fields

15 Apr 2002 Cost-cutting ideas

18 May 2002 Knock-out Kaya Toast

8 Sep 2002 Handling difficult customers

3 Jul 2003 Customer urgency

25 Jul 2005 Shareholders invest money in us, not emotions

11 May 2006 Cutting red tape

11 Nov 2006 Shut off those nuisance toys!

Chapter 4: Learning journeys

14 Sep 1998 Opportunities in lean times

30 May 1999 Bluewater Vision

2 Oct 1999 Vegetables washing machine

8 Dec 1999 Meeting with a Shanghai mayor

31 Jan 2001 Speak up, man

18 Nov 2001 Price-gap opportunities

1 Jul 2002 Confronting Competitive China

23 Sep 2002 Survival creativity

16 Dec 2002 Every business needs a China strategy

23 Dec 2002 Black Belt vs. Black Belt

16 Mar 2004 Takeaways from India

21 Aug 2006 Learning from a Chengdu developer

21 May 2007 Beijing, Beijing, Beijing

28 May 2007 China's happiest place on earth

Chapter 5: Inspiring encounters

Chapter 6: Of business and ethics

Chapter 7: Building people

Chapter 8: Nurturing the soul

Chapter 9: Media interviews

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