
数码摄影:100个简易技巧与秘决,第3版Digital Photography : Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks, 3rd Edition

数码摄影:100个简易技巧与秘决,第3版Digital Photography : Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks, 3rd Edition  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,进口原版书,摄影 Photography ,

作者: Rob Sheppard 著

出 版 社:

出版时间: 2007-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 221印刷时间: 2007/12/01开本: 大16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470147665包装: 平装内容简介

You already know digital photography basics. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how, this is the book for you. Inside, you'll find clear, illustrated instructions for 100 tasks that reveal cool secrets, teach timesaving tricks, and explain great tips guaranteed to make you a more productive digital photographer.

Minimal text and maximum illustrations

Task-oriented, step-by-step approach

Navigational aids connect instructions to illustrations

Self-contained, two-page lessons

Uniform layout makes it easy to read less, learn more.


1 Get Ready to Take Photos

#1 Select Good Photo Opportunities.

#2 It Starts with Four Letters.

#3 Master Your Camera to Get Great Photos.

#4 Choose the Image File Format to Suit Your Needs.

#5 Set the Image Resolution and Compression Level.

#6 Control Your Camera’s Light Sensitivity with the ISO Setting.

#7 Improve Color with the White Balance Setting.

#8 Shoot Your Best from the Start.

#9 Pack for a Successful Shoot.

2 Consider Light More Than Illumination.

#10 Pick Good Light for Better Photos.

#11 Shoot Effectively in Bright Sun.

#12 Shoot in the Shade for Gentle Light.

#13 Take Advantage of the Golden Hour.

#14 Control Light with a Reflector.

#15 Control Natural Light with a Diffuser.

#16 Open Up Harsh Shadows with Fill Flash.

#17 Illuminate Portraits with Window Light.

#18 Get Your Flash Off Camera for Directional Light.

#19 Use Bounce Flash for Better Indoor Lighting.

#20 Prevent Red Eye.

3 Control Exposure.

#21 Understanding Exposure to Get the Photos You Want.

#22 Know What Meters Really Do.

#23 Discover Different Exposure Modes.

#24 Choose an Appropriate Program Mode.

#25 Using the Histogram to Get the Exposure You Want.

#26 Improve Exposure with Exposure Compensation.

#27 Avoid Blown-Out Highlights.

#28 Shoot Two Photos to Get More Exposure Range.

4 Control Sharpness and Depth of Field.

#29 Use a Tripod for Top Sharpness.

#30 Show Action Using a Fast Shutter Speed.

#31 Show Action Using a Slow Shutter Speed.

#32 Add Drama by Panning with the Subject.

#33 Understand Depth of Field.

#34 Control Focus Creatively with Deep Depth of Field.

#35 Create Cool Effects with Shallow Depth of Field.

#36 Understanding Focal Length.

#37 Control Perspective with Focal Length.

#38 Control Background with Focal Length and Aperture

5 Take Better Photos.

#39 Look for Photographs, Not Subjects.

#40 Consider the Possibilities.

#41 Compose for Maximum Effect.

#42 Compose for Impact.

#43 Use the Foreground.

#44 Shoot Details to Create Interest.

#45 Bracket Your Compositions.

#46 Shoot Better by Studying EXIF Data.

#47 Take Better Photos with Patience, Practice, and Effort.

6 Try Creative Photo Techniques.

#48 Focus Attention on Your Subject.

#49 Shoot Color for Dramatic Photos.

#50 Show Movement with a Neutral Density Filter.

#51 Control Color and Reflections with a Polarizer.

#52 Shoot Photos for a Panorama.

#53 Shoot Photos with a “Wow!” Factor.

#54 Shoot Scenes with Low Contrast.

#55 Shoot in All Seasons.

#56 Shoot Patterns and Shapes.

#57 Combine Flash and Ambient Light.

#58 Experiment to Create Unique Photos.

#59 Shoot at Night for Drama.

7 Basic Image Workflow with Adobe Photoshop Elements.

#60 Learn the Best Workflow.

#61 Protect and Preserve Original Photo Files.

#62 Crop and Straighten Your Photos.

#63 Process for Strong Blacks and Whites.

#64 Adjust Midtones.

#65 Easy Color Correction.

#66 Adjust Color with Hue/Saturation.

#67 Convert RAW Files with Adobe Camera Raw.

#68 Understanding Color Space.

#69 Reveal Dark and Light Detail with the Shadows/Highlights Command.

#70 Adjust a Selected Area.

#71 Keep Track of Your Adjustments.

8 Beyond the Basics with Photoshop Elements.

#72 Create a Panorama.

#73 Understanding Layers.

#74 Using Adjustment Layers to Gain Flexibility.

#75 Use Layer Masks to Isolate Your Changes.

#76 Combine Selections with Layer Masks.

#77 Lighten or Darken a Portion of an Image.

#78 Correct Exposure Problems.

#79 Remove Unwanted Elements with the Clone Stamp Tool.

#80 Convert Color to Black-and-White ok.

#81 Double-Process Raw for More Detail.

#82 Combine Two Exposures for a Better Tonal Range.

9 Make Photographic Prints.

#83 Understanding Color Management.

#84 Size Photos for Printing.

#85 Sharpen a Digital Image.

#86 Crop a Photo to a Specified Size.

#87 Precisely Position Photos on a Page.

#88 Print Multiple Photos on a Page.

#89 Order Prints Online.

#90 Create a Photo Book Online.

10 Share Your Photos.

#91 Prepare Photos for Use on the Web.

#92 Organize Your Digital Photos.

#93 Archive Your Digital Photo Collection to a DVD.

#94 Create a PDF Slide Show.

#95 Create a Digital Photo Album.

#96 Create a Web Photo Gallery.

#97 Create a Video Slideshow.

#98 Create Scrapbook Pages.

#99 Create a Photo Greeting Card.

#100 Create a Photomontage.

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