水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范 DL/T 51482001 ( 英文版)

分類: 图书,建筑,建筑施工,
作者: 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布 编
出 版 社: 中国电力出版社
出版时间: 2008-3-1字数: 56000版次: 1页数: 65印刷时间: 2008/03/01开本: 大32开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787508367408包装: 平装目录
1 Scope
2 Quoted Standards
3 Terms
4 General
5 Grouting Materials,Equipment and Grouts Preparation-
5.1 Grouting materials and grouts
5.2 Grouting equipment.devices and tools-
5.3 Grout preparation’
6 Rock Mass Grouting for Dam Foundation-
6.1 General stipulations
6.2 Drilling holes
6.3 Fissure washing and water pressure test
6.4 Grouting methods
6.5 Grouting pressure and grout mix
6.6 Grouting finish and hole sealin9
6.7 0rifice—closed grouting method
6.8 Treatment of special situations
6.9 Quality inspection
7 Tunnel Groutin9
7.1 General stipulations
7.2 Backfill groutin9
7.3 Consolidation groutin9
7.4 Contact grouting for steel liner
7.5 Quality inspection
8 Joint Grouting for Concrete Dam
8.1 Generai stipulations
8.2 Arrangement for grouting system-
8.3 Installation of grouting system-
8.4 Check and maintenance for grouting system
8.5 Preparation before groutin9
8.6 0peration ofgroutin9
8.7 Treatments of special situations-
8.8 Quality inspection-
9 Contact Grouting for Bank Slope
10 Completion Data and Acceptance
Appendix A Water Pressure Test for Grouting Works