心血管病治疗:《Braunwald心脏病学》配套Cardiovascular Therapeutics

分類: 图书,进口原版书,医学 Medicine ,
作者: Elliott M. Antman 著
出 版 社: Oversea Publishing House
出版时间: 2006-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 949印刷时间: 2006/12/01开本: 大16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781416033585包装: 精装编辑推荐
"This multi-author book contains comprehensive information on cardiovascular therapeutics, a rapidly changing field. Dr Antman is to be congratulated for bringing together 112 experts in their respective fields who collectively contribute 55 chapters. All aspects of cardiovascular therapeutics are covered." Circulation
This companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease equips you with all of today's most effective therapeutic guidelines and management solutions for the full range of heart disease patients. It reflects the most recent standards for drug management as well as the latest in new technologies. Reorganized to mirror your changing practice, each cardiovascular-problem-based section offers a chapter on pharmacologic treatment (with a minimum of pathophysiology)...a chapter on catheter-based or minimally invasive interventions...and a discussion of surgical options. You'll also find a brand-new chapter on gene therapy and stem cell therapy, plus new chapters on many other rapidly developing areas of practice. The result is an outstanding single-volume source for state-of-the-art, clinically oriented guidance on both common and unusual areas of cardiovascular treatment.
Facilitates the decision-making process clinicians face when choosing among various cardiovascular therapeutic options.
covers the latest concepts in pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of patients with cardiovascular disorders
Addresses pharmacological, interventional, and surgical management approaches for each type of cardiovascular disease, putting advice on the full range of therapeutic options at your disposal.
Keeps you current with brand-new chapters on gene therapy and stem cell therapy * unstable and chronic stable angina * management of unstable angina and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction * devices for heart failure and arrhythmias * prevention of ischemic disease * the regulatory approval process for new cardiovascular drugs and devices * and more.
Delivers a fully revised section on "Heart Failure" that explores cardiac resynchronization therapy, surgical interventions, ambulatory management, hospital management, and cardiac transplantation and circulatory support devices.
Offers a completely updated section on "Other Cardiovascular Conditions" that addresses issues such as pharmacologic treatment of cardiovascular disease during pregnancy * care for adults with congenital heart disease * treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension * prevention and treatment of infective endocarditis * treatment of pericardial disease * and rehabilitation of the patient with cardiovascular disease.
Reflects a new emphasis on the role of diet and exercise in the management of cardiovascular problems in conformity with ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines.
Color Plates follow page xxiv.
SECTION 1 Decision-Making and Therapeutic Strategies in Cardiovascular Medicine
1. Tools for Assessment of Cardiovascular Tests and Therapies
Elliott M. Antman, Robert M. Califf, and
Joel Kupersmith
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Clinical Trials
How to Read and Interpret a Clinical Trial
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
2. The Use of Cardiovascular Drugs: Pharmacological Principles, 35
Stanley Nattel
Pharmacokinetic Factors
Oral Bioavailability (F)
Volume of Distribution
Protein Binding
Elimination and t1/2
Pharmacodynamic Factors
Drug Interactions
3. Gene Therapies and Stem Cell Therapies
Gene Therapies for Cardiovascular Diseases: Where We Are and Where We Are Going
Luis G. Melo, Christopher A. Ward, and Victor J. Dzau Overview
Gene Therapies for Myocardial Protection
Gene Therapies for Myocardial Rescue
Gene Therapies for Vascular Protection
Clinical Gene Therapy
Perspectives and Future Directions
Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disorders
Kai C. Wollert and Helmut Drexler
Potential Donor Cells
Modes of Cell Delivery
Clinical Application of Stem Cell Therapy
Coronary Artery Disease with No Mechanical Revascularization Option
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, Chronic Heart Failure
The Foreseeable Future of Cardiovascular Stem Cell Therapy
4. The Process of Regulatory Review for New Cardiovascular Devices
Neal L Muni and Brain D. Zuckerman
Regulatory History of the Device Review Process
The Temple Report and Evolution of the Device Regulatory
Risk, Benefit, and the Product Life Cycle
Ensuring the Safety of Marketed Devices
SECTION 2 Ischemic Heart Disease
5. Pharmacologic Options for Treatment of Ischemic Disease
Jonathan Abrams, John Schroeder, William 14. Frishman, and lane Freedman
The Organic Nitrates
Calcium Channel Blockers
β-Adrenergic Blockers
Thrombosis and Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease
Thrombosis: Future Directions
6. Mechanical Approaches to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Jahuna Karha, A. Michael Lincoff, and Stephen G. Ellis
Coronary Angioplasty
Other Devices
Intravascular Imaging Techniques
7. Treatment with Drug-Eluting Stents
George D. Dangas
Drug-Eluting Stent System
Results of Main Clinical Trials of Approved DES
Clinical Use of DES in Different Patient and Clinical Subsets
In-Stent Restenosis
DES Thrombosis
Adjunctive Pharmacologic Therapy
Future Directions
8. Revascularization Options for Ischemic Heart Disease:
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention
Oon C. Ooi, Charles J. Mullany, and Charanjit S. Rihal
Effectiveness of Revascularization: CABG
Effectiveness of Revascularization: PCI
Relative Benefits of PCI and CABG
SECTION 3 heart Failure
SECTION 4 Arrhythmias/Conduction Disturbances
SECTION 5 Dyslipoproteinemias/Atherosclerosis
SECTION 6 Hypertension
SECTION 7 Other Cardiovascular Conditions