Tabbner 护理学:理论与实践(第3版) Tabbner‘s Nursing Care

分類: 图书,进口原版书,医学 Medicine ,
作者: A.R. Tabbner 著
出 版 社: Oversea Publishing House
出版时间: 1997-2-1字数:版次: 1页数: 772印刷时间: 1997/02/01开本: 大16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780443054341包装: 平装内容简介
Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice provides a complele introduction to nursing.
The Third Edition update, s the reslructured and rewritten Second Edition, which retained the strengths o1' the original book while extending its scope. It includes recent changes in nursing practice, and covers the basic concepLs, process, skills, and techniques as well as laying the foundation for further nursing studies.
Key features
Learning objectives I'or every chapter
Clear consistent guidelines for nursing actions
Many more tables and illustrations
Greater emphasis on communication skills anti techniques; nursing theories; anti legal and ethical aspects of nursing care
Chapters discussing growth anti development; social and cultural factors; behavioural and physical science: meeting human needs: maternity nursing; psychiatric nursing; developmental disability nursing; community nursing anti introductory pharmacology.
Tabbner's Nursing Care: Theory and Practice is an essential tool for students preparing to meet the challenge of providing high-quality nursing care.
PART 1 An introduction to nursing
1. An outline of the history and theories of nursing
2. Theories of growth and development
3. Stages of growth and development
4. Introduction to the behavioural sciences
5. Communication
6. Reactions and interactions
7. Culture
8. Health and illness
9. Microbiology, infection and immunity
10. Legal aspects of nursing
11. Ethics in nursing
12. The nursing process
13. Observational skills
14. Reporting and recording skills
PART 2 Structure and functions of the human body
15. Science in nursing
16. The human body: an orientation
17. Cells and tissues
18. The integumentary system
19. The musculoskeletal system
20. The nervous system
21. The circulatory system
22. The respiratory system
23. The digestive system
24. The urinary system
25. The endocrine system
26. The reproductive systems
27. The special senses
PART 3 Nursing care and basic needs
28. An introduction to human needs
29. Meeting nutritional needs
30. Meeting elimination needs
31. Meeting fluid and electrolyte needs
32. Meeting oxygen needs
33. Meeting temperature regulation needs
34. Meeting blood circulation needs
35. Meeting comfort, rest, and sleep needs
36. Meeting pain avoidance needs
37. Meeting movement and exercise needs
38. Meeting safety and protection needs
39. Meeting hygiene needs
40. Meeting psychosocial needs
PART 4 Care of the individual with a body system disorder
41. The individual with a skin disorder
42. The individual with a disorder of the musculoskeletal system
43. The individual with a nervous system disorder
44. The individual with a circulatory system disorder
PART 5 Special aspects of nursing care