
Java 2 复习重点及模拟试题:(英文原版)

  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,计算机/网络,程序设计,Java Java Script J2EE,

作者: 作者:[美]Philip Heller

出 版 社: 电子工业出版社

出版时间: 2001-1-1字数: 310版次: 1页数: 317印刷时间: 20010101开本:印次:纸张:I S B N : 9787505363748包装: 平装目录


Chapter1 Declarations and Access Control

Write code that declares,constructs,and initializes arrays of any base type using any of the permitted forms both for declaration and for initialization

Declare classes,inner classes,methods,instance variables,static variables,and automatic(method local)variables,making appropriate use of all permitted modifiers(such as public,final,static,abstract,and so forth).State the significance of each of these modifiers,both singly and in combination,and state the effect of package relationships on declared items qualified by these modifiers

For a given class,determine if a default constructor will be created and,if so,state the prototype of that constructor

State the legal return types for any method,given the declarations of all related methods in this or parent classes

Chapter2 Flow Control and Exception Handling

Write code using if and switch statements and identify legal argument types for these statements

Write code using all forms of loops including labeled and unlabeled use of break and continue and state the values taken by loop control variables during and after loop execution

Write code that makes proper use of exceptions and exception handling clauses(try,catch,finally)and declare methods and overriding methods that throw exxceptions

Chapter3 Garbage Collection

State the behavior that is guaranteed by the garbage collection system and write code that explicitly makes objects eligible for collection

Chapter4 Language Fundamentals

Identify correctly constructed source files,package declarations,import statements,class declarations(of all forms including inner classes),interface declarations and implementations

(for java.lang.Runnable or other interface described in the test),method declarations(including the main method that is used to start execution of a class),variable declarations and identifiers

State the correspondence between index values in the argument array passed to a main method and command line arguments

Identify all Java programming language keywords and correctly constructed identifiers

State the effect of using a variable or array element of any kind when no expllicit assignment has been made to it

State the range of all primitive data types and declare literal values for String and all primitive types using all permitted formats,bases,and representations

Chapter5 Operators and Assignments

Determine the result of applying and operator,including assignment operators,instanceof,and casts,to operands of any type class,scope or accessibility,or any combination of these

Determine the result of applying boolean equals(Object)method to objects of any combination of the classes java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean,and java.lang.Object

In an expression involving the operators&,|,&&,||,and variables of known values,state which operands are evaluated and the value of the expression

Determine the effect upon object and primitive values of passing variables into methods and performing assignments or other modifying operations in that method

Chapter6 Overloading,Overriding,Runtime Type,and Object Orientation

State the benefits of encapsulation in object-oriented design and write code that implements tightly encapsulated classes and the relationshops"is a "and "has a"

Write code to invoke overridden or overloaded methods and parental or overloaded constructors;and describe the effect of invoking these methods

Write code to construct instances of any concrete class including normal top level classes,inner classes,static inner classes,and anonymous inner classes

Chapter7 Threads

Write code to define,instantiate,and start new threads using both java.lang.Thread and java.lang.Runnable.Recognize conditions that mitht prevent a thread from executing

Write code using synchronized,wait,notify,and notifyAll to protect against concurrent access problems and tocommunicate between threadss.Define the interaction between threads and between threads and object locks when executing sychronized,wait,notify,or notifyAll

Chapter8 The java.awt Package

Write code using Component,Container,and Layout Manager classes of the java.awt package to present a GUI with the specified appearance and resize behavior,and distinguish the responsibilities of layout managers from those of containers

Write code to implement listener classes and methods,and in listener methods,extract information from the event to determine the afected component,mouse position,nature,and time of the event.State the event classname for any specified event listener in the java.awt.event package

Chapter9 The java.lang Package

Write code using the following methods of the java.lang.Math class:abs(),ceil(),floor(),max(),min(),random(),round(),sin(),cos(),tan(),sqrt()

Describe the significance of the immutability of String objects

Chapter10 The java.util Package

Make apropriate selection of collection classes/interfaces to suit specified behavior requirements

Chapter11 The java.io Package

Write code that uses objects of the File class to navigate a file system

Write code that uses objects of the classes Input-StreamReader and OutputStreamWriter to translate between Unicode and either paltform default or ISO 8859-1 character encodings,and distinguish between conditions under which paltform default encoding conversion should be used and conditions under which a specific conversion should be used

Select valid constructor arguments for FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream subclasses from a list of classes in the java.io,package

Write appropriate code to read,write and update files using FileInputStream,FileOutputStream,and RandomAccessFile objects

Describe the permanent effects on the file system of constructing and using FileInputStream,FileOutputStream,and RandomAccessFile objects

AppendixA The Certification Initiavtive for Enterprise Development

The Structure of the Initiative

The Second-Level Exams

The Third-Level Exams


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