Collection Papers of Zhou Xianyin

分類: 图书,自然科学,数学,数学理论,
作者: 周先银著
出 版 社: 北京师范大学出版社
出版时间: 2002-6-1字数: 1130000版次: 1页数: 共两册印刷时间: 2002/06/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787303062614包装: 平装内容简介
Dr.Zhou Xianyin(or Xianyin Zhou)was born in Zongyang county,Anhui Province on August 8,1963。He entered into Department of Mathematics。AnhuiNormalUniversity in 1980 for his undergraduatestudy,and then into Department of Mathematics,
Beijing Normal Universivy in 1984 to study for his Master and PhDdegrees under the supervision of ProfeSSOFS Yan Shijian and Chen Mufa。He obtained his PhD degree in 1990 at Beijing Normal University。AflerwardS he became a lecturer in Department of
Mathematics at Beijing Normal University and was promoted to an associate professor two years later。In 1991。withthe fmancial support by Japan Society for the Promotionof Science,hewas appointed by the State Ministry of Educafion to visit Japan for the cooperating research with Professor Shigeo Kusuoka。Next,starting from March 1993。he was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to do the cooperatinre。search with Professor Sergio Albevefio at University ofBochum。Germany。At thirteen 0’clock and thirty on April 22 1996,Dr.Zhou Xianyin was attacked abruptly by the heart disease。After some hopeless emergent treatments at Bergmannsheil Hospital in Bocum。Germany,Dr。Zhou was away at the age of thirty—two。
Volume Ⅰ:Papers from 1991 to 1996
1.The Holder continuity of Westwater process and its applications
2.Applications of Malliavin calculus to stochastic differential equations with time dpendent coefficients
3.The intersection local time of the Westwater process
4.Hausdorff dimension of the double point set of the Westwater process
5.Hausdorff dimension of the sample path of the Westwater process
6.On the existence of solutions with smooth density of stochastic differential equations in plane
7.Infinite dimensional Malliavin calculus and its application
8.On the recurrence of simple random walks on some fractals
9.Dirichlet formson fractals:Poincareconstant and resistance
10.A note on the asymptotics of the polymer measures in one dimensiOn
11.An asymptotic estimation of the moments for two-dimensional polymer measure
12.TheHausdorff measure of the level sets of Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasKet
13.Hausdorff measure of the level sets of multi—parameter Wiener processes in One dimension
14.Resistance dimension,random walk dimension and fractal dimension
15.Green function estimates and their applications tothe intersections of symmetric random walKs
16.On the intersections of Wiener sausages in four dimensions
17.On the multiple time set of Brownian motions
18.A renormalization result for the intersection local time of lattice random walks in d≥3 dimensions
19.On the range of reversible random walks on Z2 in a random environment
20.On the range of random walks in random environment
21.Wiener process behavior of some modified Domb—Joyce models in d4 dimenon
22.Intersections of random walks and Wiener sausages infour dimensions
23.A martingale approach to directed polymers in a random environment
24.A remark on diffusion of directed polymers in random environmenis
25.A central limit theorem for the fourth Wick power of the free lattice field
26.Free energy and some sample path properties of a random walk with random potential
27.A new discrete Edwards model and a new polymer measure in two dimensions
Volume Ⅱ:Papers from 1996 to 2002 and unpublished papers