
Multichannel Marketing: Metrics and Methods for On and Offline Success多渠道营销:离线与在线成功法

Multichannel Marketing: Metrics and Methods for On and Offline Success多渠道营销:离线与在线成功法  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,

作者: Akin Arikan 著

出 版 社:

出版时间: 2008-4-1字数:版次: 1页数: 288印刷时间: 2008/04/01开本: 大16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470239599包装: 平装内容简介

Multichannel Marketing: Metrics and Methods for On and Offline Successgoes beyond top-level, strategic discussions of customer-centric marketing to offer today’s in-the-trenches marketing professionals the information they need: practical, tested methods and metrics for multichannel marketing programs.

Emphasizing metrics-driven methods for optimizing marketing programs across channels, the book features practical advice, time-tested and successful techniques, real-world metrics, and engaging case studies. It begins with an overview of today’s marketing landscape before discussing such important topics as measuring online and offline lift and conversions, creating actionable customer profiles, optimizing online-offline advertising programs, improving online-offline engagements, and building loyalty and improving relationships.

This comprehensive guide is the complete resource for marketing practitioners who want to develop better marketing programs (and have the data to prove it), increase conversion rates, and build better relationships with their customers.


Akin Arikan is a Senior Segment Manager for Internet marketing at Unica, where he is responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction with Unica's web analytics and Internet marketing solutions. Clients with case studies in this book include AIRMILES, Best Buy, Vodafone, and Wachovia. Akin is an award-winning industry speaker, frequent contributor to magazines, and blogger (www.MultichannelMetrics.com).



Part I Building Blocks for Multichannel Metrics

Chapter 1 With Great Opportunity Come Great Challenges

Multichannel, Schmultichannel!

Just What Kind of Trouble Are Marketers In?

Interruption Marketers, Not Welcome Anymore!

Buyers Want to Be in Charge

Buyers Are Multichannel Beings

Chicken Soup for the Troubled Marketer

Make Marketing More Accountable

Integrate Marketing Communications!

Be Customer Centric!

Leverage the Voice of the Customer

The Missing Puzzle Piece, Multichannel Metrics

Questions Answered

Measuring Absolute Results versus Trends

Challenges to Overcome

Chapter 2 The Web Analyst Tackles Multichannel Metrics Online

A Day Without a Web Analyst?

Steep Hills to Climb for Online Marketing

Web Analytics Contributes Three Levels of Insights

Web Analytics Primer for Multichannel Marketers

Choosing a Web Analytics Solution

Data Is Collected via Logs or Page Tags

Clicks Are Sessionized into Visits

Cookies Turn Visits into Visitors

Registered Usernames Turn Visitors into People

The Big Three Metrics Form Your Baseline

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Are the Guiding Light

Reports and Dashboards Answer General Questions

Segmentation Leads to Actionable Insights

Analyze This!

Take Action! Otherwise, Why Do Web Analytics?

Attribute Responses to the Right Online Marketing Efforts

Credit Referrers by Help of Referring URLs

Credit Ads with Click-Throughs by Way of Tracking Codes

Infer Ad View-Throughs with Cookies

Infer E-mail View-Throughs Through Matchback

Credit Word-of-Mouth Marketing by Inferring Viral Infection

Success Metrics for Online Marketing

Campaign-Centric Success Metrics

Customer-Centric Success Metrics

Chapter 3 The Offline Marketer’s Bag of Tricks

Blame Evolution, Not Ignorance!

Different Starting Points Rocketed Marketers to Separate Orbits ,

More Comprehensive Perspective on the Customer Life Cycle

More Comprehensive Perspective on the Marketing Cycle

Not Just Descriptive Analytics, But Also Predictive

Differences Between Online and Offline Marketing Are Shrinking

Chapter 4 The Direct Marketer Digs into Multichannel Analytics

The Direct Marketer's Goal

Set a Strategic Communications Plan

Derive Tactical Communications

Link Marketing to Targeting

Predict Individual Response and Value

Select Customer Data to Inform Predictive Analysis

Discover Segments with Exploration and Clustering

Predict and Score Outcomes with Modeling

Case Study of Contact Optimization at Wachovia

Execute Campaigns

Offer Cells for Test and Control

Measure and Attribute Responses

Response Attribution

Blind Spot of the Offline Direct Marketer

Success Metrics for Direct Marketing

Customer Centric Metrics and Flags

Campaign-Centric Success Metrics

Chapter 5 The Brand Marketer’s Take on Multichannel Analytics

The Brand Marketer's Goals and Challenges

What Is Brand Equity?

How Do We Detect Brand Equity?

How Do We Build Brand Equity?

Why Is Advertising So Difficult to Measure?


Part II Measurement and Metrics

Chapter 6 Measure Lift Between Online and Offline

Chapter 7 Measure 1:1 Interactions Between Online and Offline

Chapter 8 Measure Multi-Touch Conversions

Part III Multichannel Marketing Methods

Chapter 9 Attract and Acquire

Chapter 10 Engage and Convert

Chapter 11 Grow Lifetime Value


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