
Intelligent systems and interfaces智能系统和接口

Intelligent systems and interfaces智能系统和接口  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,进口原版书,计算机 Computers & Internet ,

作者: Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu,Daniel Mlynek等著

出 版 社:

出版时间: 2000-2-1字数:版次:页数: 448印刷时间: 2000/02/01开本: 16开印次:纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780792377634包装: 精装内容简介

The field of `intelligent interfaces and systems' has witnessed a rapid growth during the last decade. An impressive number of papers, conference tutorials, and volumes have been devoted to the topic. Ten years ago, intelligent systems constituted a rather exotic topic and many were skeptical as to whether such systems would amount to more than a nice name. Nowadays, intelligent systems represent a powerful tool in many applications, in all industrial fields. Their development evolved on both the horizontal dimension, with a constantly increasing number of applications, and on the vertical dimension, by including more capabilities ranging from sensoric to neurofuzzy systems, intelligent agents, speech and image understanding, and decision making in complex environments.

Intelligent Systems and Interfaces represents a comprehensive coverage of the field, including fundamental aspects, software-, sensors-, and hardware-related issues. Moreover, the contributors to this volume offer, beyond a systematic overview of intelligent interfaces and systems, deep, practical knowledge in building and using intelligent systems in various applications. Special emphasis is placed on specific aspects and requirements in applications.

Intelligent Systems and Interfaces is intended to be an essential tool for the scientific community in all areas of applied intelligent technologies. The chapters are written by a selected pool of experts in the field of intelligent systems. The contributors thoroughly review the state of the art, explain the problems to be addressed and show how these problems can be solved. Extensive references are included, offering the reader a perspective on the currently available literature and trends.

Intelligent Systems and Interfaces is an important reference on intelligent systems, intended for a large audience. Graduate and postgraduate students in computer science, electronics, micro-technology, robotics, and control theory will benefit from this comprehensive, in-depth study of the topic. Engineers from high-tech industries and researchers involved in the design, manufacturing, and use of intelligent interfaces and systems and of related technologies will find many solutions to research and design problems.




About the Editors


Part 1 Intelligent Agents and Bio-Inspired Systems

Chapter 1. A tutoring based approach to the development of intelligent agents

Gheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Kathryn Wright, Seok Won Lee, Dorin Marcu, and Michael Bowman

1. Intelligent agents

2. General issues and trends in the development of intelligent agents

3. The disciple approach for developing intelligent agents and an exemplary agent

4. Domain modeling for integrated knowledge repressentation, knowledge acquisition, learning and problem solving

5. Architecture of the disciple learning agent shell

6. The methodology of building disciple agents

6.1. Specification of the problem

6.2. Modeling the problem solving process as task reduction

6.3. Developing the customized agent

6.4. Importing concepts and features from other ontologies

6.5. Extending the ontology

6.6. Training the agent for its domain-specific tasks

6.7. Testing and using the agent

6.8. Experimental evaluation

7. Conclusions


Chapter 2. An object-oriented framework for building collaborative network agent Ladlslau Boloni, Dan C. Marinescu

1. Introduction

I.1. Agent-based frameworks for interoperability

1.2. Distributed object systems supporting agents

2. Design principles for an agent-based system

2.1. Integration of agents into a distributed-object system

2.2. Component-based agents

2.3. Metaobjects

3. Bond middleware

3.1. Bond objetcs

3.2. Communication fabric

3.3. Probes, an aspect-oriented approach to complex object design

3.4. The architecture

4. Bond agents

4.1. Specifying an agent with the blueprint language

4.2. Creating an agent

4.3. Initialization of an agent

4.4. Starting and running an agent

4.5. Termination

5. Control and autonomous operation of agents

5.1. Internal and external control of an agent

5.2. Agent security

5.3. Implementation of strategies

5.4. The model of an agent

6. Case study: remote execution agent

6.1. From specification to the blueprint

6.2. Extending an agent

7. Summary of results and ongoing research


Chapter 3. Navigation: Animals as Autonomous Robots John E.R. Staddon, loan M. Chelaru

1. Introduction

2. Difusion based spatial navigation

2.1. Elements of a discrete two-dimensional navigation system

2.2. A discrete difusion process for spatial navigation

2.3. The route finder

PART 2:Intelligent Data Processing

PART 3: Interfaces

PART 4: Applications and High-tech Management

Index of Terms

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