Mupad pro computing essentialsMuPAD赞成计算的精华

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Miroslaw Majewski著
出 版 社: 北京燕山出版社
出版时间: 2004-7-1字数:版次: 1页数: 538印刷时间: 2004/07/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540219439包装: 平装内容简介
This is a book about using MuPAD in teaching undergraduate mathematics and solving undergraduate mathematics problems with MuPAD. The author explains basic principles of MuPAD commands and how to write simple programs or to develop interactive environments for teaching mathematics.
The text gives a large number of useful examples from different areas of undergraduate mathematics developed by the author during his long teaching experience. All the book examples are published on the book website. Flash, SVG and JVX formats are used to display interactive and animated graphics. In addition, a great deal of supplementary material about MuPAD is available through the MathPAD Online website (, for which the book’s author is also the editor-in-chief.
The second edition of this book has been completely rewritten to cover many new features of MuPAD. The large section covering mathematical graphics and animation is especially noteworthy. All the MuPAD code has been revised and tested with the use of MuPAD 3.0.
1.1 For whom this bood was written
1.2 The goal
1.3 Why we should care about MuPAD
1.4 What is inside
1.5 Style conventions
1.6 Writing "between"
2. A Quick Introduction to MuPAD
2.1 The very First Look
2.2 Getting Started
2.3 A Quick Look at MuPAD's Interface
2.4 Formatting Documents in MuPAD
2.5 Getting Help
2.6 Chapter Summary
2.7 Review Exercises
3.Programming in MuPAD-Declaration
3.1 Writing Formulae in MUPAD
3.2 Declaring Variables and Constants
3.3 Declaring Functions and Operations
3.4 Writing More than One Line of Code
3.5 The Basice of the Domain Concept
3.6 Chapter Summary
3.7 Review Exercises
4. Progamming in MUPAD-Control Structures
4.1 Decisions
4.1.1 Decisions
4.1.2 Indentation in MUPAD
4.1.3 Quadratic Equation Example
4.1.4 Formatting Output and Input
4.1.5 "elif"a Useful Shortcut
4.2 Programming Iterations in MUPAD
4.2.1 The "for"Loop
4.2.2 MUPAD Syntax:the"for"Loop
4.2.3 The"while"and"repeat"Loop
4.2.4 MUPAD Symtax:the "while"and"repeat"Loop
4.3 What is Wrong with my Loops and Conditions
4.4 Selections
4.4.1 MUPAD Sytax:the"case"Structure
4.5 Chapter Summary
4.6 Programming Exercises
5 Programming in MUPAD-Procedures
5.1 What is a Procedure
5.2 Examples of Procedure
5.3 Getting Output from Procedures
5.4 Returning Unevaluated or Symbolic Expressions
5.5 Shall We Use Global or Local Variables?
5.6 Introduction to Types and Domains
5.7 Using MUPAD Types and Domains
5.8 Using Procedures to Produce Data Structures
5.8.1 Sequences
5.8.2 Lists
5.8.3 Sets
5.8.4 Strings
5.8.5 Vectors and Matrices
5.9 Procedures with a Variable Number of Input Patameters
5.10 Recursive Procedures
5.11 Using Libraries
5.12 User Defined Libraries of Procedures
5.13 Final Comments on MUPAD Coding Guidelines
5.13.1 Magic Numbers
5.13.2 Commenst
5.13.3 Braces
5.14 Chapter Summary
5.15 Progtamming Exercises
6 Introduction to MUPAD Graphics
7 Interctive Graphics Animation with Vcam
8 Exploring Mathematical Curves and Surfaces
9 A Few Applications of MUPAD Graphics
10 Exploring Numbers with MUPAD
11 Elementaty Algebra and Trigonometry in MUPAD
12 Working with Sets and Semtences MUPAD
13 Exlorping Calculus with MUPAD
14 A Short Introduction to Linear Algebra
Appendix1:MUPAD Libraries and Procedures
Appendix2:MUPAD Resources