Integrated Pest Management: Potential Constraints and Challenges综合虫害管理:潜力、限制与挑战

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: (美)陈(Chen,Z.X.)陈(Chen,S.Y.),迪克森(Dickson,D.W.) 编
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2004-4-1字数: 870000版次: 1页数: 636印刷时间: 2004/04/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780851996868包装: 精装内容简介
1 A Century of Plant Nematology
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Early Records and References to Nematodes
1.3 The Early Foundations of the Science of Nematology
1.4 Nematology Textbooks and Education
1.5 Professional Societies and International Nematology Meetings
1.6 Milestones and Trends in Nematology Research References
2 Perspectives on Nematology for the 21 st Century
2.1 The Way Ahead
2.2 Healthy Soil and Crops
2.3 Agronomic Alternatives
2.4 Resistance in Plants
2.5 Technological Applications
2.6 Environmental Quality
2.7 Human Health
3 Developmental Biology of Nematodes -- What We Learn from Caenorhabditis elegans 3.1 Introduction: the Caenorhabditis elegans Cell Lineage
3.1.1 Historical Perspective on Nematode Developmental Studies
3.1.2 C. elegans as a Model System
3.1.3 Invariance of the C. elegans Cell Lineage
3.1.4 Cell Interactions and Asymmetric Divisions
3.2 Early Development
3.2.1 Fertilization and Antero-P0sterior Axis Specification
3.2.2 Asymmetry of the First Division and in the Posterior Lineage
3.2.3 Dorsoventral Specification and Cell Interactions at the 4-Cell Stage
3.2.4 Left-Right Symmetry and Asymmetry
3.2.5 Asymmetries after the Third AB Division
3.3 Specification of Body Regions and Cell Types
3.3.1 Phases in Embryonic Development
3.3.2 Tissue and Organ Specification
3.3.3 Antero-posterior Patterning and the Homeotic Gene Cluster
3.4 Cell Death
3.4.1 Programmed Cell Death in Development
3.4.2 The ced Mutants Define Distinct Steps in Cell Death
3.4.3 The Molecular Pathway of Cell Death
3.5 Development of the Gonad
3.5.1 Overview of Gonad Development
3.5.2 The Distal Tip Cells
3.5.3 Ovary and Spermatheca
3.5.4 Anchor Cell Specification: Lateral Inhibition Through Notch
3.5.5 Uterus Patterning
3.5.6 Germ Line Development
3.5.7 Evolution of Gonad Development in Nematodes
3.6 Development of the Vulva
3.6.1 Formation of the Vulva
3.6.2 The Vulval Equivalence Group and Vulval Fate Induction by the Anchor Cell
3.6.3 The Vulva Mutants
3.6.4 The Molecular Pathways: EGF-Ras and Notch Signaling
3.6.5 Patterning of Vulval Cell Fates
4 Nematode Mlrpholohy,Sensory Structure and Function
5 Nematode Esophageal Glands and Plant Parasitism
6 Surface Adhesion to Nematodes and its Consequences
7 Nematode Behavior and Migrations through Soil and Host Tissue
8 Background for Nematode Ecology in the 21 st Century
9 Marine Nematode Biodiversiyt
10 Population Dynamics
11 Entomophilic Nematode Models for Studying Biodiversity
12 Cultivation of Nematodes