Handbook of Primate Husbandry and Welfare灵长类动物的饲养与福利手册

分類: 图书,进口原版书,医学 Medicine ,
作者: Sarah Wolfensohn 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2005-2-18字数:版次: 1页数: 168印刷时间: 2005/02/18开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781405111584包装: 平装内容简介
Handbook of Primate Husbandry and Welfare covers all aspects of primate care and management both in the laboratory environment and in zoos. From the welfare and ethics of primate captivity through to housing and husbandry systems, environmental enrichment, nutritional requirements, breeding issues, primate diseases, and additional information on transportation and quarantine proceedings, this book provides a completely comprehensive guide to good husbandry and management of primates. Designed to be a practical field manual, the authors present the material using lists, tables and illustrations to clarify best practice.
1 Primates: Their characteristics and relationship with man
What is a primate?
Primate characteristics
Why are primates special?
Ethical considerations of animals in captivity
Legal considerations Further reading
2 The physical environment
Considerations in accommodation design
Indoor/outdoor/combination facilities
Environmental conditions
Waste management
Further research needed
Further reading
3 Staff, management and health and safety
Selection of staff
Training of staff
Health and safety issues
Lone working
Employee security
Further reading
4 Nutrition
Natural feeding ecology
Diet formulation and processing
Energy requirements
Carbohydrate, protein and fat
Minerals and vitamins
Different life stages
Hand rearing of infants
Further reading
5 Physical well-being
Assessment of physical health
Quarantine programme
Health-screening programme
Common infectious diseases
Husbandry-related diseases
Sedation of primates
Further reading
6 Psychological well-being
Strategy for psychological well-being
Environmental enrichment
Assessment of psychological health
Further reading
7 Training of primates
Why train primates?
Sociality and psychological well-being in primates
Primate behaviour
Modification of behaviour
Further reading
Group systems and sizes
Primate fertility
Natural suppression of fertility
Reproductive cycles
Artificial control of reproduction
Pregnancy diagnosis Parturition
Lactation and weaning
Breeding lifespan
Selection of breeding males
Further reading
9 Sourcing and transporting primates
Provision during transport
Post-move monitoring
Further reading