Value and Risk Management: A Guide to Best Practice价值与风险管理:最佳实践指南

分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Michael F Dallas著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2006-2-1字数:版次: 1页数: 380印刷时间: 2006/02/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781405120692包装: 平装内容简介
Published on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Building and endorsed by a range of construction industry institutes, this book explains the underlying concepts of value and risk, and how they relate to one another. It describes the different issues to be addressed in a variety of circumstances and at all stages of a project's life and reviews a number of commonly used and effective techniques, showing how these may be adapted to suit individuals' styles and circumstances.
Michael Dallas, MA, MICE, FIVM is an engineer with Davis Langdon, London.
About the Author
1 Key features and benefits
1.1 Why successful projects need value and risk management
1.2 Delivering success
1.3 Summary
2 Principles of value management
2.1 Essential attributes
2.2 A brief history
2.3 Language
2.4 Concepts
2.5 The family
2.6 Value management through the project cycle
2.7 The generic process
2.8 Value or cost- balancing benefits and investment
2.9 The value of time
2.10 Quality
2.11 Measuring value
3 Principles of risk management
3.1 Essential attributes
3.2 Evolution
3.3 Language
3.4 Concepts
3.5 The family
3.6 Risk management cycle
3.7 A generic risk management process
3.8 Risk to quality
3.9 Measuring risk
3.10 Contingency management
3.11 Time risk
4 An integrated approach to value and
risk management
4.1 Why integrate?
4.2 The integrated process
4.3 Timing
4.4 Project stages and study types
4.5 Understanding the client's business
4.6 Programmes of projects
4.7 Project launch studies
4.8 Summary of value and risk study types
4.9 Critical success factors
4.10 A framework for introducing value and risk management into an organisation
4.11 Embedding value and risk management in an organisation
4.12 Drawing on experience
4.13 Selecting the appropriate level of activity
6Concepts, standards and qualifications
7Learning from others
8Study types
9Techniques for value and risk
10Value management techniques
11Risk management techniques
12 Toolbox — checklists, forms and tables
Appendix A: Bibliography
Appendix B: Glossary