Financial markets theory金融市场理论:平衡、效率与信息

分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Emilio Barucci 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2003-2-3字数:版次: 1页数: 467印刷时间: 2003/02/03开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781852334697包装: 精装内容简介
Financial Markets Theory presents classical asset pricing theory, a theory composed of milestones such as portfolio selection, risk aversion, fundamental asset pricing theorem, portfolio frontier, CAPM, CCAPM, APT, the Modigliani-Miller Theorem, no arbitrage/risk neutral evaluation and information in financial markets. Starting from an analysis of the empirical tests of the above theories, the author provides a discussion of the most recent literature, pointing out the main advancements within classical asset pricing theory and the new approaches designed to address open problems (e.g. behavioural finance). It is the only textbook to address the economic foundations of financial markets theory from a mathematically rigorous standpoint, and to offer a self-contained critical discussion, based on empirical results. Financial Markets Theory is an advanced book, well-suited for a first graduate course in financial markets, economics or financial mathematics. It is self-contained and introduces topics in a setting accessible to economists and practitioners equipped with a basic mathematical background. For those not acquainted with standard microeconomic theory, the tools needed to follow the analysis are presented early in the book. The approach makes this a vital handbook for practitioners in insurance, banking, investment funds and financial consultancy, as well as an excellent graduate-reference textbook.
l Prereauisites
1.1 Choices under Certainty
l.2 General Equilibrium Theory
1.3 Pareto Optimallty
2 Choices under Risk
2.1 Expected Utility Theory
2.2 Risk Aversion
2.3 Poftfolio Problem
2.4 Insurance Demand and Prudence
2.5 Notes References and Exercises
3 Stochastic DominanceMutual Funds Separation and
Poftfolio Frontler
3.1 Stochastic Dominance
3.2 Mean-vafiance Analysis
3.3 Poftfolio nontier (risky assets)
3.4 Portfolio Frontier frisky assets and a risk打ee assetl
3.5 Mutual Furids Separation
3.6 NotesReferences and Exercises
4 General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange
4.1 Rjsk Sharing and Pareto Optimality
4.2 Asset Markets
4.3 Intertemporal Consumption
4.4 The nlndamental Asset Pricing Theorem Ⅰ
4.5 NotesRefefences and Exercises
5 Risk Premium:Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset
Pricing Theory
5.1 Capital Asset Pricing Model fCAPMl
5.2 Empirical Tests of the CAPM
5.3 Arbitrage Pricing Theory(APT)
5.4 Empirical Tests of the APT
5.5 NotesRefereHces and Exercises
6 Multiperiod Market Models
6.l Portfolio Choice,Consumption and Equilibrium
6.2 The Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem Ⅱ
6.3 Rsk Premium and Factor Models
6.4 The No Arbitrage Fundamental Equation and Bubbles
6.5 Empirical Tests:Price-Dividend Process
6.6 Empirical Tests:CCAPMICAPM and PEsk Premium
6.7 NotesReferences and Exercises
7 Information and Financial Markets
7.1 The RDle of Information in Financial MRrkets
7.2 0n the Possibility of Efficient Markets
7.3 0n the Impossibility of Emcient Markets
7.4 Multiperiod ModelsH
7.5 Empirical Analysis
7.6 NotesReferences and Exercises
8 Uncertainty,Rationality and Heterogeneity
8.1 Uncertainty,Risk and Probability
8.2 0n Expected Utility Theory
8.3 Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality
8.4 Bounded RationalityIncomplete Information and Learnin9
8.5 Imperfect and Incomplete Markets
9 Financial Markets Microstructure
9.1 The Role of Information under non-Perfect Competition
9.2 0rder Driven Markets
9.3 Quote Driven Markets
9.4 Multiperiod Market Models
10 Corporate Finance
10.1 Modigliani-Miller Theorem
10.2 Asymmetric Information
10.3 Agency Models
11 Intermediation and Regulation
11.1 Institutional InvestorsIntermediation and Financial Markets
11.2 Market Design
11.3 Market Abuse:Insider Trading and Market Manipulation