Designing Virtual Reality Systems: The Structured Approach虚拟现实系统的设计:结构探讨

分類: 图书,进口原版书,计算机 Computers & Internet ,
作者: Gerard Kim 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2005-8-3字数:版次: 1页数: 233印刷时间: 2005/08/03开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781852339586包装: 平装内容简介
Developing and maintaining a VR system is a very difficult task, requiring in-depth knowledge in many disciplines. The difficulty lies in the complexity of having to simultaneously consider many system goals, some of which are conflicting.
This book is organized so that it follows a spiral development process for each stage, describing the problem and possible solutions for each stage. Much more hands-on than other introductory books, concrete examples and practical solutions to the technical challenges in building a VR system are provided.
Part 1 covers the very basics in building a VR system and explains various technical issues in object modeling and scene organization. Part 2 deals with 3D multimodal interaction, designing for usable and natural interaction and creating realistic object simulation. Primarily written for first level graduates, advanced undergraduates and IT professionals will also find this a valuable guide.
Section Ⅰ: Basics of Designing Virtual Reality Systems
Chapter l.Introduction:Virtual Reality in a Nutshell
What Is Virtual Reality?
Goals and Applications of Virtual Reality
Two Pillars of VR:Presence and 3D Multimodal Interaction
Building a Virtual Reality System
About This Book
Final Notes
Summary and Pondering Points
Chapter 2.Requirements Engineering and Storyboardin9
Example:Ship Simulator Design
Summary and Pondering Points
Chapter 3.Object and Scene Modelin9
Object Modelin9
Scene Construction
Object Placement
Multiple Frames ofReference
REExpressing Coordinates,
Function and Behavior Modelin9
Ship Simulator Example Revisited
Summary and Pondering Points
Chapter 4.Putting It All Together
Example Continued:Ship SimulatorLevel 2 Design
Summarry and Pondering Points
Chapter 5.Performance Estimation and System Tunin9
Tuning with LOD Models
Presence/SDecial Effects
Using Images and Textures
Summary and Pondering Points
Section Ⅱ:Creating the Virtual Reality
Chapter 6.Outpat Display,
The Human Visual System
Human Depth Perception and Stereoscopy
Visual Display Systems
Human Aural System
Aural Display Systems
Stimulation of Other Modalities l
Summary and Pondering Points
Chapter 7.Sensors and Input Processing
Event Generators
Sensor Errors and Calibration
Summary and PonderingPoints
Chapter 8.3D Multimodal Interaction Design
Whv G0 3D Multimodal?
Structured Approach to Interaction/Interface Design
Interface Design
Case Studies
Ship Simulator
Immersive Authorin9
Tabletop Computin9
Selection and Manipulation
Menu Selection and Invocation
Whole Body Interaction
Tangible Interface
Alphanumeric Input
Summary and Pondering Points
Chapter 9.Simulation l:Collision Detection,
Handling Collision
Chapter10.Simulation ⅡPlhysics-based Motion and Colision Response
Chapter11.Virtual Characters