New Trends in Computer Networks计算机网络新趋势

分類: 图书,进口原版书,计算机 Computers & Internet ,
作者: International Symposium on Computer and
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2005-10-1字数:版次:页数: 383印刷时间: 2005/10/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9781860946110包装: 精装内容简介
This book presents a selective collection of papers from the 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, held in Istanbul, Turkey. The selected papers span a wide spectrum of topics in computer networks, including internet and multimedia, security and cryptography, wireless networks, parallel and distributed computing, and performance evaluation. These papers represent the results of the latest research of academicians from more than 30 countries.
Invited Talks
A Lightweight Passive Replication Protocol for Deterministic Servers
A Simple Partial-Path Combination Approach for Constrained Path Selection
TCP Start-up Behavior under the Proportional Fair Scheduling Policy
The Hop-Limit Approach for Flow Assignment in Survivable C0nnection-Oriented Networks
A Fair Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Multimedia Handoff Calls in Cellular Networks
Improving the Performance of Video Streaming Systems Using Video-Locality and Distributed Redundant Hierarchy Servers
Searching for Low Latency Routes in CPN with Reduced Packet Overhead
A Required Level for Optical Networks Business Model: Integrated Neutral Topology Optimizer (INTO)
Characterizing Voice and Video Traffic Behavior over the Internet
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Considering Utilization and QoS in Cellular Networks
A Path Restoration Algorithm Sharing the Resource in GMPLS Network
Design of a Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating for Use in Wideband Dispersion Compensation
Voronoi-Based Approach for Constructing Connected Cover Set in Wireless Sensor Networks
Messages Scheduling of CAN-Based Network for a Humanoid Robot
More Efficient Java RMI for GPRS Devices
Implementation and Performance Analysis of iSCSI-Based Virtual Storage System with Wireless Networks
A Robust Cluster-Based Multi-Hop Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Cluster-Based Security Mechanism for Sensor Network Communication
HTTP-MPLEX: An Application Layer Multiplexing Protocol for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
A New Approach to Detect DDOS Attacks Using Support
Vector Machine
Performance Evaluation of End-to-End Security in Wireless
Applications Using WTLS Handshake Protocol