LNP-663: Lattice hadron physics格点强子物理学

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Alex Kalloniatis等著
出 版 社: 北京燕山出版社
出版时间: 2005-9-1字数:版次:页数: 230印刷时间: 2005/09/01开本: 16开印次:纸张: 铜版纸I S B N : 9783540239116包装: 精装内容简介
Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.
Quenching Effects in the Hadron Spectrum
C. Allton
1The Quenched Approxmlauon
2Results from the Quenched Approximation
3Results from Full (Unquenched) Simulations
4Quantifying Quenching Effects
Quark Propagator from LQCD and Its Physical Implications
P.O. Bowman, U.M. Heller, D.B. Leinweber, A.G. Williams,and ZB. Zhang
1 Introduction
2 Euclidean Green's Functions
3Gauge Fixing
4Staggered Quark Actions
5The Lattice Quark Propagator
6 Analysis of Lattice Artefacts for Staggered Quarks
7 Overlap Quark Actions
8 Analysis of Lattice Artefacts for Overlap Quarks
9The Quark Propagator in Landau Gauge
10Laplaeian Gauge
11Applications: The Condensate and Running Mass
12Modelling the Mass Function
Generalised Spin Projection for Fermion Actions
W. Kamleh
2Standard Spin-Projection Trick
3 Generalised Spin-Projection Trick
4 The FLIC Fermion Action
5 Conclusion
Baryon Spectroscopy in Lattice QCD
D.B. Leinweber, W. Melnitchouk, D.G. Richards, A.G. Williams,and J.M. Zanotti
1Introduction and Motivation
2History of Lattice N* Calculations
3Lattice Techniques
4 Interpolating Fields
5Operators for Spin-~ and Spin-~ Baryons
6Survey of Results
A Appendix - Correlation Matrix Analysis
Hadron Structure and QCD:Effective Field Theory for Lattice Simulations
D.B. Leinweber, A.W. Thomas, and R.D. Young
2Effective Field Theory for QCD
3Chiral Expansion of the Nucleon Mass
4Other Applications
Lattice Chiral Fermions from Continuum Defects
H. Neuberger
2Infinite Flavor Space
3Two Dimensional Flavor Space
5Generalization of the Overlap
6What Next?
The Computation of the and Mesonsin Lattice QCD
K. Schilling, H. Neff, and T. Lippert
2Prolegomena: Pseudoscalars in LQCD
3The Real World with nn s$ Mixing
4The Three Computational Bottlenecks
5Towards Realistic Physics Results
Strong and Weak Interactions in a Finite Volume
Hadron Properties with FLIC Fermions
Subject Index