LNP-678: Local-moment ferromagnets局部矩铁磁物质:现代应用的独特性质

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Markus Donath, Wolfgang Nolting著
出 版 社: 北京燕山出版社
出版时间: 2005-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 329印刷时间: 2005/12/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540272861包装: 精装内容简介
Some ferromagnetic materials with localized magnetic moments have become a hot topic of modern solid state physics because of their potential applications, e.g. in spintronic devices. The magnetic systems of interest comprise diluted magnetic semiconductors and half-metallic ferromagnets. Like conventional concentrated local-moment systems, they are characterized by an exchange interaction between localized magnetic moments and quasi-free charge carriers. The current research on local-moment ferromagnetism is reviewed in a tutorial style by leading experts in this field. Experimentalists present the latest approaches to characterize the unique material properties and theoreticians share decisive ideas to describe the observed phenomena theoretically. Students and researchers alike will benefit from this status report.
Prof. Nolting is an expert in solid state theory with emphasis on magnetism for many years (see his series on theoretical physics in Springer Verlag and his books on "Quantentheorie des Magnetismus I,II" in Teubner Verlag).
M. Donath, W. Nolting
Part Ⅰ Concentrated Local-Moment Systems
Critical Behaviour of Heisenberg Ferromagnets
with Dipolar Interactions and Uniaxial Anisotropy
S.N. Kaul
2Critical Exponents and Amplitudes
3Scaling and Universality
4Renormalization Group and Crossover Phenomena
5The Gadolinium Case
6Summary and Future Scope
Aspects of the FM Kondo Model: From Unbiased MC
Simulations to Back-of-an-Envelope Explanations
Maria Daghofer, Winfried Koller, Alexander Priill, Hans Gerd Evertz,
Wolfgang yon der Linden
2Model Hamiltonian
3Monte Carlo Algorithm
Carrier Induced Ferromagnetism
in Concentrated and Diluted Local-Moment Systems
Wolfgang Nolting, Tilmann Hickel, Carlos Santos
1Local Moment Magnetism
2Kondo-Lattice (s-f) Model
3Electronic Selfenergy of "Concentrated" Local-Moment Systems
4Magnetic Properties of "Concentrated" Local-Moment Systems
5"Diluted" Local-Moment Systems
An Origin of CMR: Competing Phases
and Disorder-Induced Insulator-to-Metal Transition
in Manganites
Yukitoshi Motome, Nobuo Furukawa, Naoto Nagaosa
2Model and Method
4 Discussions
5Summary and Concluding Remarks
A Neutron Scattering Investigation of MnAs
K.U. Neumann, S. Dann, K. Frohlich, A. Murani, B. Ouladdiaf,
K.R.A. Ziebeck
2Structm'al Aspects of MnAs
3Magnetic Properties of MnAs
4Paramagnetic Neutron Scattering Investigation
Epitaxial MnAs Films Studied
by Ferromagnetic and Spin Wave Resonance
T. Tolinski, K. Lenz, J. Lindner, K. Baberschhe, A. Ney, T. Hesjeda
C. Pampuch, L. Daweritz, R. Koch, K.H. Ploog
2Basic FMR/SWR Formalism
3Phase Transitions in MnAs Studied by FMR
4Magnetic Anisotropy in MnAs
5Inter- and Intra-Stripe Coupling in the MnAs Films
Part Ⅱ Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
First-Principles Study of the Magnetism
of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
L.M. Sandratskii, P. Bruno
Exchange Interactions and Magnetic Percolation in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
The Role of Interstitial Mn in GaAs-Based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
Magnetic Interactions in Granular Paramagnetic-Ferronagnetic GaAs:Mn/MnAs Hybrids
Dilute Ferromagnetic Oxides
Part Half-Metallic Ferromagnets
Half-Metals:Challenges in Spintronics and Roures Toward Solrtions
Nonquasiparticle States in Half-Metallic Ferromagnets
Theoretical stoichiometry and Surface States of a Semi-Heusler Alloy
Magnetization, Spin Polarization and Electronic Strucrture of NiMnSb Surfaces
Spin Injection Experiments from Half-MetallicFerromagnets into Semiconductors:The Case of NiMnSb and (Ga,Mn)As
Growth and Room Temperature Spin Polarization of Half-Metallic Epitaxial Cro2 and Fe3O4 Thin Films
On the Importance of Defects in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions