NNFM-90: New developments in computational fluid dynamics计算流体力学的新发展/国际会议录

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Kozo Fujii,Kazuhiro Nakahashi,Shigeru Obayashi,Satoko Komurasaki著
出 版 社: 北京燕山出版社
出版时间: 2005-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 232印刷时间: 2005/12/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540274070包装: 精装内容简介
This volume contains 20 papers presented at the Sixth International Nobeyama Workshop on the New Century of Computational Fluid Dynamics,Nobeyama,Japan,April 21-24,2003。 The Nobeyama Workshop focuses on predicting the next one hundred years of development of Fluid Dynamics,accounting for the current status and future trends of high performance computation and communication。 The papers cover computational electromagnetics,astrophysical topics,CFD research and applications in general,large-eddy simulation,vortical flows,mesh generation topics,visualization,DNA computing,multidisciplinary simulation and optimisation,as well as algorithmic developments。 The Workshops are known for the informal and concentrated atmosphere of in-depth discussion thanks to all the efforts of Prof。 Kunio Kuwahara at ISAS,Japan。 In celebration of his 60th birthday,this workshop was dedicated to him。
A Multidomain Spectral Collocation Method for Computational Electromagnetics with Application to Optical Waveguides
C. C. Huang
J. Y. Yang
Formulations of Wave Equations
Numerical Techniques
Multidomain Spectral Collocation Method
Interfacial Boundary Conditions
Cardinal Basis Functions
Determination of Scaling Factor
Numerical Results and Disscussion
Fundamental Mode of Symmetric Three-Layer Step-Index Waveguides
Asymmetric Planar Waveguide with Exponential RIP
Semiconductor Rib Waveguide
Thermonuclear Supernovae:Combining Astrophysical and Terrestrial Combustion
E. S. Oran
Thermonuclear Supernovae
Transition from a Deflagration to a Detonation
Conclusions to Date
Hypersonic Magneto-Aerodynamic Interaction
J. S. Shang
Experimental Facility
Numerical Simulations
Non-Equilibrium Phenomenon
Electromagnetic Effects
Some Remarks on the CFD Research for Space Transportation System Development K. Fujii
RLV Aerodynamics -- CFD Capability for the Estimation of RLV Aerodynamics
Supersonic Base Flows -Finding a New Efficient Tools
Development of Implicit Large Eddy Simulation
K. Kuwahara
S. Komurasaki
J. Ooida
A. Betancourt
Computational Method
Computational Results
Rearrangement of Karman Vortex Street
Transition to Turbulence
Turbulence Generated by a Lattice
Circular Cylinder
Subsonic Flow Around an Airfoil
Simulation with Using a Body-Fitted Grid
DNA Computing Based on Actual Biological Sequences and Accurate Reaction Control
K. Naitoh
DNA Computing as Nano-Computing
DNA Computing Using Actual Living Organisms
Problem Solved in this Session
Encoding Based on the Segments of Biological DNA Cut by Restriction Enzymes
Library of the Candidates Obtained with Ligation Reactions and Analysis of the Electrophoresis Photographs
Strategy for Controlling Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR
Control of PCR for DNA Computing
From One-Month CFD to One-Day CFD -- Efforts for Reducing Time and Cost of CFD K. Nakahashi
T. Fujita
Y. Ito
Mesh Generation
Mesh Generation Procedure
Surface Mesh Generation
Parallel Flow Solver
Basic Flow Solver
Parallel Flow Solver
Numerical Examples
JAXA Supersonic Airplane in Ascending Flight
Flow around a Hornet
Numerical attempts of capturing contact surface by K. Sawada and N. Ohnishi
Parallel visualization systems by H. Miyachi and S. Hayashi and Y. Nakai and Y. Itoh and M. Shirazaki and R. Himeno
Numerical simulation of time-dependent buoyancy-driven convection in an enclosure by H. S. Kwak and J. M. Hyun
Automatic topology generation by P. R. Eiseman and K. Rajagopalan
Computational study of influences of a seam line of a baseball on flows by R. Himeno
Vortex breakdown flows in cylindrical geometry by R. Iwatsu
Aerodynamic and structural analyses of joined wings of hale aircraft by R. Sivaji and S. Marisarla and V. Narayanan and V. Kaloyanova and U. Ghia and K. N. Ghai
Numerical simulation of formation and movement of various sand dunes by R. ang and T. Kawamura and M. Kan
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization and visualization by S. Obayashi
The framework of a system for recommending computational parameter choices by S. Shirayama
Gas flow in close binary star systems by T. Matsuda and K. Oka and I. Hachisu and H. M. J. Boffin More
Flow Simulation using Combined Compact Difference Scheme with Spectral-like Resolution
A New High Order Finite Volume Method for the Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids
Participants Photograph
Participants List
The Sixth International Nobeyama Workshop on the New Century of Computational Fluid Dynamics