TCC-270: Biomineralization生物矿化作用 I:结晶化与自组织过程

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: C.K. Carney 等著
出 版 社: 湖南文艺出版社
出版时间: 2006-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 199印刷时间: 2006/12/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540463795包装: 精装内容简介
In nature, biological organisms produce mineralized tissues such as bone,teeth, diatoms, and shells. Biomineralization is the sophisticated process ofproduction of these inorganic minerals by living organisms. Construction oforganic-inorganic hybrid materials with controlled mineralization analogousto those produced by nature has recently received much attention because itcan aid in understanding the mechanisms of the biomineralization processand development of biomimetic materials processing. The biomineralizationprocesses use aqueous solutions at temperatures below 100℃ and no toxicintermediates are produced in these systems. From a serious global envi-ronmental problem point of view, the development of processes inspired y
biomineralization would offer valuable insights into material science and engi-neering to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. One of themost challenging scientific problems is to gain greater insight into the molec-ular interactions occurring at the interface between the inorganic mineraland the macromolecular organic matrix. Model systems are often regarded asa straight-forward experimental approach toward biomimetic crystallization.Hierarchical architectures consisting of small building blocks o finorganic crys-tals are often found in biominerals. Studies of nanocrystal self-organization insolution systems would also be helpful for understanding biomineralization.
Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate Beneath Insoluble Monolayers:Suitable Models of Mineral-Matrix Interactions in Biomineralization?
Self-Organized Formation of Hierarchical Structures
Fluorapatite-Gelatine-Nanocomposites:Self-Organized Morphogenesis, Real Structure and Relations
to Natural Hard Materials
Inorganic-Organic Interfacial Interactions
in Hvdroxvaoatite Mineralization Processes
Detoxification Biominerals
Author Index Volumes 251-271
Subject Index