

21世纪全国高职高专英语类规划教材——英汉翻译学实用教程  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,外语 ,大学英语 ,英语专业 ,

作者: 赵起编著

出 版 社: 北京大学出版社

出版时间: 2008-7-1字数: 766000版次: 1页数: 430印刷时间: 2008/07/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787301139844包装: 平装内容简介




Unit 1 The Nature of Translation

1.1 Translation Theories On the Nature of Translation and Translator

1.2 Bilingual Henry Kissinger:Mysterious?

1.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Mysterious?”

1.4 Translation Practice Mark Twain and Jack London

1.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 2 The Principles and Criteria of Translation

2.1 Translation Theories On the PrinciDles and Crit”ia ofTTanslation

2.2 Bilingual Reading A Truth Universally Acknowledged

2.3 Translafion Criticism On the Translafion of “A Truth Universally Acknowledged”

2.4 Translafion Practice In a Country Inn

2.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 3 The Translation Process

3.1 Translation Theories On the Translation Process

3.2 Bilingual Readin At Jennifer's Deathbed

3.3 Translation Criticism On the Trallslation of“At Jennifer's Deathbed”

3.4 Translation Practice I Got a Glory

3.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 4 Literal vs.Free Translation

4.1 Translation Theories On Literal vs.Free Translation

4.2 Bilingual Reading The Happy Prince:The Three Tears

4.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “The Three Tears”from The Happy Prince

4.4 Translation Practice The Million-Pound Note:Alone on the Balcony

4.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 5 Translation Conversions

5.1 Translation Theories On Translation Conversions

5.2 Bilingual Readind I Am Ready from Tess of the d'Urbervilles

5.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“I Am Ready”

5.4 Translation Praetice A Question of Habit

5.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 6 Styles and Translation

6.1 Translation Theories On Styles and Translation

6.2 Bilingual Readind Translations of Poems in Different Styles

6.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “Evil Is Rewarded with Evil” from Jane Eyre

6.4 Translation Praetice Reunion

6.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 7 Fair Translation

7.1 Translation Theories On Fair Translation

7.2 Bilingual Readind On Being Crazy

7.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “On Being Crazy”

7.4 Translation Praetice Sister and Brother

7.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 8 Good and True Translation

8.1 Translation Theories On Good and True Translation

8.2 Bilingual Readind The Copand the Anthem

8.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“The Copand Anthem”by WangZhongnian and the Appraisal by Yuan Jinxiang

8.4 Translation Practice 责任感

8.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 9 Poetry Translation

9.1 Translation Theories On Poetry Translation

9.2 Bilingual Readind A Red,Red Rose

9.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “A Red,Red Rose”

9.4 Translation Practice What Is Poetry?

9.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 10 Techniques in the Translation ofWords

10.1 Translation Theories On the Techniques in the Translation of Words

10.2 Bilingual Readind The Escape

10.3 Translaton Criticis On the Translation of“The Escape”

10.4 Translation Practice Beautiful Things

10.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 11 Strategies in the Conversion ofWords

11.1 Translation Theories On the Strategies in the Conversion of Words

11.2 Bilingual Readind Old Man at the Bridge

11.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Old Man at the Bridge”

11.4 Translation Practice On the Wonderful Internet in our Global Village

11.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 12 The Translation of Sentences

12.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Sentences

12.2 Bilingual Readind 荔枝蜜

12.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “The Tension between Mother and Son”from“GoodbyeMyBrother”

12.4 Translation Practice 狗犯错误

12.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 13 The nanslation of Long Sentences

13.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Long Sentences

13.2 Bilingual Readind Cannon Fodder

13.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of “My Prayer for MySon”

13.4 Translation Practice So Long!

13.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 14 Thought Rhythm in Both Target Languages

14.1 Translation Theories on Thought Rhythmin Both Target Languages

14.2 Bilingual Readind 丑石

14.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Ugly Stone”

14.4 Translation Practice 告别

14.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 15 Free Modifiers in Translafion

15.1 Translation Theories On the Free Modifie in Translation

15.2 Bilingual Readind Warm River

15.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Warm River”

15.4 Translation Practice A False Charge

15.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 16 The Translation of Classical Chinese Literature

16.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Classical Chinese Literature

16.2 Bilingual Readind 苛政猛于虎

16.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Tyranny Is Fiercer than aTiger”

16.4 Translation Practice 曾参杀人;沙弥思老虎

16.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 17 The Translation ofldioms

17.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Idioms

17.2 Bilingual Readind War and Remembrance

17.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of Idioms

17.4 Translation Practice 中美教育的寓言

17.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 18 The Translation ofProverbs

18.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Proverbs

18.2 Bilingual Readind Speaking in Proverbs

18.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Speaking in Proverbs”

18.4 Translation Practice 20 Proverbs

18.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 19 The Translation ofFigures ofSpeech

19.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Figures of Speech

19.2 Bilingual Readind Song to the Men of England

19.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of“Song to the Men of England”

19.4 Translation Practice Song

19.5 Mock Test Questions

Unit 20 The Trmm fion ofMaxims

20.1 Translation Theories On the Translation of Maxims

20.2 Bilingual Readind Selected Readind from Dictionary of English Aphorisms

20.3 Translation Criticism On the Translation of the Selected Readind from Dictionary of English Aphorisms

20.4 Translation Practice 20 Quotations

20.5 Mock Test Questions


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