分類: 图书,外语 ,英语读物,英汉对照,
作者: 张金霞等编著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2008-8-1字数:版次: 1页数: 231印刷时间:开本: 32开印次:纸张:I S B N : 9787810972635包装: 平装内容简介
Pages of Titles and Authors
IntroductionWhat is Poetry?
Chapter Ⅰ The Language of Poetry
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Connotation and Denotation
1.3 Figurative Language
1.3.1 Simile and Metaphor
1.3.2 Personification
1.3.3 Apostrophe
1.4 Irony
1.5 Imagery
1.6 Symbol and Allusion
1.7 Figurative Language and Its Uses
1.8 Poems for Interpretation
Chapter ⅡThe Sound of Poetry
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Rhythm
2.2.1 Patterns of Rhythm
2.2.2 The Effects of Rhythm
2.3 Sound in Poetry
2.3.1 The Kinds of Rhyme
2.3.2 The Sounds of Words
2.4 Poems for Interpretation
Chapter ⅢThe Subjects and Themes of Poetry
3.1 Poetic Subjects and Themes
3.2 Poetry on Nature
3.3 Poetry on Love
3.4 Poetry on Death
3.5 Poetry on War and Peace
3.6 Poetry on Morality and Philosophy
Chapter IVThe Forms of Poetry
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Narrative Poems
4.2.1 The Ballad
4.2.2 The Epic
4.2.3 The Dramatic Monologue
4.3 Lyric Poems
4.3.1 The Sonnet
4.3.2 The Ode
4.3.3 The Elegy
4.4 Didactic Poems
4.5 Closed and Open Forms
4.5.1 Closed Form
4.5.2 Open Form
ChapterⅤ Poems for Further Study
Author Bibliographies
Glossary of Literary Terms
Works Cited