信息技术基础(IT Fundamentals)双语教程(21世纪高等学校计算机基础实用规划教材)

分類: 图书,计算机/网络,计算机理论,
作者: 江红,余青松 编著
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社
出版时间: 2008-11-1字数: 514000版次: 1页数: 327印刷时间: 2008/11/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787302184232包装: 平装编辑推荐
General Information
Lecture Program
Part Ⅰ Knowledge Points (第一部分 知识点)
1. Intrusion to Information Technology
1.1 Computer Literacy
1.2 Information System
1.3 Information Technology (IT)
1.4 What is a Computer?
1.5 Components of a Computer
1.6 Categories of Computers
2. System Unit
2.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
2.2 Memory
2.3 Ports and Connectors
3. Input and Output
3.1 Input
3.2 Output
4. Secondary Storage
4.1 Floppy Disks
4.2 Hard Disks
4.3 Tapes
4.4 Optical Storage Technology
4.5 PC Cards
4.6 RAID Storage Systems
4.7 Smart Cards
5. So.are
5.1 Categories of Software
5.2 System Software
5.3 Programming Languages
6. Introduction to Spreadsheets
6.1 Introduction to EXCEL
6.2 Spreadsheet Formulae
6.3 Spreadsheet Charts
7. Introduction to Database
7.1 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
7.2 Introduction to Microsoft Access
7.3 Access Query Design
7.4 Access Report Generator
8. Data Communication and Networks
8.1 Data Communication
8.2 Networks
9. Introduction to WWW
9.1 Introduction to HTML
9.2 Constructing Web Pages (l)-List, Image, Anchor
9.3 Constructing Web Pages (2)-Table
10. Computers and Society
10.1 E-Commerce
10.2 Electronic Data Interchange (ED1)
10.3 Email
10.4 Social lssues
Part Ⅱ Exercises (第二部分 习题与思考)
Tutorial 1:CPU
Tutorial 2: Input and Output Devices
Tutorial 3: Secondary Storage
Tutorial 4: Operating System
Tutorial 5: Data Communications
Tutorial 6: Networks
Part Ⅲ Labs (第三部分 实践指南)
1:Introduction to Spreadsheets - Excel
2:Orchids Shade House Case Study
Assignment 1
3:Creating your webpage (1)
4:Creating your webpage (2)
Assignment 2
5:Creating a new datafile
6:Access Queries
7:Access Report Generation
Assignment 3
Part Ⅳ Revisions(第四部分 复习题)
Revision 1
Revision 2
Revision 3
Revision 4
Part V Appendix(第五部分 附录)
Appendix A:ASCII Code(ASCII码表)
Appendix B:Glossary(词汇及中英文对照)
Appendix C:Computer Acronyms(常用计算机技术缩略语对照表)
Appendix D:Reference Answers to Exercises(习题与思考参考答案(部分))
Appendix E:Reference Answers to Revisions(复习题参考答案(部分))