Guerrilla Marketing For Dummies游击营销傻瓜书
分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Jonathan Margolis,Patrick Garrigan 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2008-10-1字数:版次: 1页数: 351印刷时间: 2008/10/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470289679包装: 平装编辑推荐
作者简介:Jonathan Margolis and Patrick Garrigan bring the expertise that they've developed within the michael alan group, a recognized leader in nontraditional marketing. Holding more than 2,000 events annually, the firm works primarily with entertainment and lifestyle brands, specializing in innovative, street-level initiatives across the country.
Want to reach consumers in innovative ways? Guerilla Marketing For Dummies is packed with guerilla tactics and trade secrets for marketing your products or services like never before. From re-imagining existing marketing platforms to mastering trailblazing methods, you’ll create a cost-effective game plan for getting your customers’ attention and keeping it!
This savvy, hands-on guide explains what guerilla marketing is, who does it, and why. You’ll learn how it can take your brand to new heights as you start thinking like a guerilla, brainstorming, collaborating, and refining ideas for an exciting, non-traditional marketing program. The real fun starts when you build a winning team and take your message to the streets, executing attention-grabbing publicity stunts and creating unforgettable events. You’ll find out when it pays to work with the big-gun guerilla-marketing firms and how to launch your own low-cost campaign. Discover how to:
Reach customers wherever they are
Develop a cohesive guerilla-marketing campaign
Capitalize on the hottest trends
Cut through the constant marketing clutter
Make products and brands stand out
Use buzz, viral, grassroots, and experiential marketing
Write a great press release
Create opportunities for partnership and tie-ins
Find budget-friendly ways to go guerilla
Build a powerful online presence
Work with existing contacts, publicists, and the press
You can enter the guerilla jungle and emerge with the lion’s share of the sales! Let Guerilla Marketing For Dummies show you how.
Part I: It’s a Jungle out There — Be a Guerrilla
Chapter 1: Entering the Jungle: An Introduction to Guerrilla Marketing
Chapter 2: Scoping Out Your Options
Chapter 3: Guerrillas Plan, Too: Developing Your Marketing Plan
Chapter 4: Thinking Like a Guerrilla
Chapter 5: Bringing in the Big Guns: Guerrilla Marketing Firms
Part II: Marketing at Street Level
Chapter 6: Hitting the Street with Street Teams
Chapter 7: The Spectacular! Publicity Stunts
Chapter 8: Events and Experiences
Part III: Opportunities All around You: Nontraditional Media
Chapter 9: Out in the Fresh Air
Chapter 10: Going Indoors
Chapter 11: Using and Innovating New Media
Part IV: Driving It Home: From the Street to Your Site
Chapter 12: Different Methods to Online Madness
Chapter 13: Creating Your Online Presence
Chapter 14: Getting Social
Part V: If a Tree Falls in the Woods The Power of the Press
Chapter 15: Identifying Your Outlets
Chapter 16: Becoming a One-Person Public Relations Outfit
Chapter 17: Hiring Publicists and Public Relations Peeps
Part VI: You Scratch My Back
Chapter 18: Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 19: Cross-Promotional Partnerships
Chapter 20: Giving Back: Adding a Cause-Related Tie-In
Part VII: The Part of Tens
Chapter 21: Ten Practically Perfect Campaigns
Chapter 22: Ten Reasons We Love Guerrilla Marketing — And Why You Will, Too!
Chapter 23: Ten Obstacles to Avoid When Going Guerrilla