10: The Essential Rules For Beating The Market战胜股市的10个基本规则
分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Michael Turner 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2008-11-1字数:版次: 1页数: 196印刷时间: 2008/11/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470292617包装: 精装内容简介
10 takes you step by step through the process of creating a market-beating stock portfolio, and shows you how to trade stocks using a combination of both fundamental and technical analysis. With this book as your guide, you'll quickly learn how to get into a stock at the right time and, more importantly, when to exit that position. You'll also discover how to view the market and interpret what is happening on a broader scale, so you can maximize profits on individual positions and boost the overall performance of your portfolio.
Michael Turner is a thirty-year veteran of entrepreneurial corporate development. He is currently the President of TurnerTrends, Inc., and is the Managing General Partner of Sabinal Capital Investments, LLC. He manages several portfolios, including a hedge fund where he applies the ten rules in this book to real-world situations every day. Turner is a much sought-after speaker at investor conferences and financial symposiums. He also writes an online weekly market commentary for his clients and subscribers.
Rule 1 Think like a Fundamentalist
Rule 2 Spend Your Money Wisely—The Value Rule
Rule 3 Trade like a Technician
Rule 4 The Stop Loss Rule
Rule 5 Never Marry a Stock (For Adults Only!)
Rule 6 Follow Only “Some” Insider Trading
Rule 7 Watch the Institutional Ownership
Rule 8 Stay Diversified
Rule 9 Balance Your Risk through Smart Asset Allocation
Rule 10 Make a Lot More Money by Timing the Market
Epilogue Making the Commitment to Being a Rules-Based Investor
Appendix A Understanding Stop Loss Orders
Appendix B Scoring the Fundamentals
About the Author