The Peebles Path To Real Estate Wealth: How To Make Money In Any Market皮布尔斯房地产财富之路:任何市场赚钱之道
分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: R. Donahue Peebles 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2008-9-1字数:版次: 1页数: 204印刷时间: 2008/09/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470372807包装: 平装编辑推荐
作者简介:R. Donahue Peebles is Chairman and CEO of The Peebles Corporation, one of the nation's most successful real estate investment firms. A leading developer and entrepreneur, his portfolio includes four-star hotels and residential and commercial properties in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Miami Beach. He is also the author of The Peebles Principles, from Wiley.
You can still find plenty of good deals in a failing real estate market by applying the advice in The Peebles Path to Real Estate Wealth: How to Make Money in Any Market. Multimillionaire teal estate mogul R. Donahue Peebles makes it possible for you to always win in real estate, provided you have the right knowledge and exercise good judgment in the deals you make. Start with small investments and work up to bigger, more profitable properties; before you know it, you’ll be a smart investor earning large profits!
Introduction: The Opportunity of Setbacks (Why I Wrote This Book)
CHAPTER 1 The Big Bang: The Post-2000 Real Estate Explosion.
Between 2000 and 2006, mortgage interest rates in the United States fell in halfThat started a feeding frenzy, which sent housing prices to dizzying heights
CHAPTER 2 The Great Flood: The Oversupply of Housing.
Combined with the growing thirst for inventory, spiraling prices encouraged developers to build more projectsAnd guess what? Blind to the downturn, they built way too much
CHAPTER 3 Down Time: The New Buyer’s Market.
Because of the credit crunch and the oversupply, we are now on the down slope of the housing bubble, with prices dropping across the countryThat means opportunities are everywhere
CHAPTER 4 Information Please: Where to Find The Data.
The good news about real estate investing is that anyone can do itHaving said that, you need to do your homework to make a superior investment
CHAPTER 5 Adding It Up: A Crash Course in Valuation.
Figuring out the value of a piece of property—what it’s really worth—is both an analytic and creative processIt is also fundamental to making a good investment
CHAPTER 6 The Big Guns: Finding Help from the Government.
If you want to buy property, or protect property that is now threatened by skyrocketing mortgage payments, don’t discount the power of government programs
CHAPTER 7 Money Talks: Negotiating with the Lender.
The average person who goes to a bank for a mortgage figures it’s not negotiableWrongHere are a few helpful insights to help you negotiate with the man behind the curtain
CHAPTER 8 Boom to Bust: MakingMoney in Down Times.
To understand the current situation you have to look back at historic real estate cycles, in particular to the real estate crisis of the early 1990s
CHAPTER 9 Fundamental Values: Buying in the Right Regions, Cities, and Neighborhoods.
A big aspect of the current real estate crisis is that it’s indiscriminantIt’s hurting every market in the country, even places with solid fundamentalsAnd that’s where to buy
CHAPTER 10 Specific Observations: Making the Deals.
Once you understand current values—where to buy and when to buy—you still have to make that perfect dealSo size up your seller
CHAPTER 11 Techniques, Tactics, and Tricks: Useful Tools to Make Money.
Understanding real estate principles is vital, but it also helps to know a few things about auctions, foreclosures, bank-owned properties, and contracts for preconstruction salesIn other words, how can you best leverage cash and credit, or just one of the two?
CHAPTER 12 Outside the Residential Box: Investing in Commercial Real Estate.
The opportunities in real estate go beyond the residential marketplace; should you consider investing in commercial properties?
PART FOUR: SAVING YOUR BACON(How to Avoid Getting Swept Under by the Subprime Tide)
CHAPTER 13 Be Like the Rich: Change YourWay of Thinking.
In America we have been conditioned to follow the rulesBut what happens when the rules change and the system does not protect you?
CHAPTER 14 Showtime: Dealing with Your Lender.
The first lesson in learning how to think (and act) differently is how to renegotiateEven if you have a bad mortgage on a property you own, you have more leverage than you think, even in foreclosure
CHAPTER 15 Know When to Fold: The Time to Walk Away, and How to Do It.
Sometimes it no longer makes sense to fight for a propertyThen you need to know how to get out with the least possible damage