Economist On Wall Street: Notes On The Sanctity Of Gold, The Value Of Money, The Security Of Investments, And Other Delusions华尔街经济学家论黄金的神圣、货币的价值以及其他令人迷惑的问题

分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Peter L. Bernstein 著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2008-9-1字数:版次: 1页数: 293印刷时间: 2008/09/01开本: 大32开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780470287590包装: 平装内容简介
One of the foremost financial writers of his generation, Peter Bernstein has the unique ability to synthesize intellectual history and economics with the theory and practice of investment management. Now, with classic titles such as Economist on Wall Street, A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold, and The Price of Prosperity—which have forewords by financial luminaries and new introductions by the author—you can enjoy some of the best of Bernstein in his earlier Wall Street days.
Peter Bernstein's Economist on Wall Street is a collection of writings from 1955 to 1970. The book is especially interesting because so many of Bernstein's observations reflect the most important issues of the present—the outlook for inflation and its control, the intricacies of monetary policy, the future of the dollar, and the dilemmas of household finances. Bernstein was also concerned with developments in portfolio management, including the new influence of institutional investors and rules for optimal asset mixes. He provides light touches, too, as he indulges in fantasies and philosophical musings over a wide variety of topics.
With so many years of hindsight, we should not be surprised to find some of Bernstein's predictions running awry. But why? In each instance, these forecasts were biased by memories of the past. There is a big lesson to be learned there.
Economist on Wall Street is a remarkable book, with lasting relevance and keen insights into the art of investment management, the capital markets, gold and the dollar, and the fun of being alive.
PETER L. BERNSTEIN is founder and President of Peter L. Bernstein, Inc., established in 1973 as publishers of Economics & Portfolio Strategy and consultants to institutional investors around the world. He is also the author of ten books, including three recent volumes from Wiley—Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession, and Capital Ideas Evolving.
New Foreword by Arthur Levitt Jr
Original Foreword by Gilbert E Kaplan
New Introduction
Original Introduction
Chapter 1: Priorities Is
Chapter 2 : The Feel of the Market
Chapter 3: Inflation and the Economy
Chapter 4: Gold and the Balance of Payments
Chapter 5: How Wrong Can You Be?
Chapter 6: The Economist as Portfolio Manager
Chapter 7: Philosophy and Fantasy