无处不在的分形 第2版

分類: 图书,自然科学,数学,几何与拓扑,
作者: (英)巴恩斯利(Barnsley,M.F)著
出 版 社: 世界图书出版公司
出版时间: 2009-1-1字数:版次: 1页数: 531印刷时间:开本: 16开印次:纸张:I S B N : 9787506292733包装: 平装内容简介
Credlts for Figures and Color Plates Much has changed in the world of fractals, computer graphics and modem mathematics since the first edition of Fractals Everywhere appeared. The company Iterated Systems, Inc., founded by Michael Barnsley and Alan Sloan, is now competing in the image compression field with both hardware and software products that use fractal geometry to compress images. Indeed, there is now a plethora of texts on subjects like fractals and chaos, and these terms are rapidly becoming "household words.
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter Ⅱ Metrlc Spaces; Equlvolent Spaces; Clossificatlon of Subsets; and the Space of Froctols
2.Metric Spaces
3.Cauchy Sequences, Limit Points, Closed Sets, Perfect Sets, and Complete Metric Spaces
4.Compact Sets, Bounded Sets, Open Sets, Interiors, and Boundaries
5.Connected Sets, Disconnected Sets, and Pathwise- Connected Sets
6.The Metric Space (74(X), h): The Place Where Fractals Live
7.The Completeness of the Space of Fractals
8.Additional Theorems about Metric Spaces
Chapter Ⅲ Transformations on Metric Spaces; Contraction Mappings; and the Construction of Fractals
1.Transformations on the Real Line
2.Affine Transformations in the Euclidean Plane
3.MObius Transformations on the Riemann Sphere
4.Analytic Transformations
5.How to Change Coordinates
6.The Contraction Mapping Theorem
7.Contraction Mappings on the Space of Fractals
8.Two Algorithms for Computing Fractals from Iterated Function Systems
9.Condensation Sets
10.How to Make Fractal Models with the Help of the Collage Theorem
11.Blowing in the Wind: The Continous Dependence of Fractals on Parameters
Chapter Ⅳ Chaotic Dynamics on Fractals
1.The Addresses of Points on Fractals
2.Continuous Transformations from Code Space to Fractals
3.Introduction to Dynamical Systems
4.Dynamics on Fractals: Or How to Compute Orbits by Looking at Pictures
5.Equivalent Dynamical Systems
6.The Shadow of Deterministic Dynamics
7.The Meaningfulness of Inaccurately Computed Orbits is Established by Means of a Shadowing Theorem
8.Chaotic Dynamics on Fractals
Chapter Ⅴ Fractal Dimension
1.Fractal Dimension
2.The Theoretical Determination of the Fractal Dimension
3.The Experimental Determination of the Fractal Dimension
4.The Hausdorff-Besicovitch Dimension
Chapter Ⅵ FrocIoI Interpolation
1.Introduction: Applications for Fractal Functions
2.Fractal Interpolation Functions
3.The Fractal Dimension of Fractal Interpolation Functions
4.Hidden Variable Fractal Interpolation
5.Space-Filling Curves
Chapter Ⅶ Julia Sets
1.The Escape Time Algorithm for Computing Pictures of IFS Attractors and Julia Sets
2.Iterated Function Systems Whose Attractors Are Julia Sets
3.The Application of Julia Set Theory to Newton's Method
4.A Rich Source for Fractals: Invariant Sets of Continuous Open Mappings
Chapter Ⅷ Parameter Spaces and Mandelbrot Sets
1.The Idea of a Parameter Space: A Map of Fractals
2.Mandelbrot Sets for Pairs of Transformations
3.The Mandelbrot Set for Julia Sets
4.How to Make Maps of Families of Fractals Using Escape Times
Chapter Ⅸ Measures on Fractals
1.Introduction to Invariant Measures on Fractals
2.Fields and Sigma-Fields
5.The Compact Metric Space (79(X), d)
6.A Contraction Mapping on (P(X))
7.Elton's Theorem
8.Application to Computer Graphics
Chapter Ⅹ Recurrent Iterated Function Systems
1.Fractal Systems
2.Recurrent Iterated Function Systems
3.Collage Theorem for Recurrent Iterated Function Systems
4.Fractal Systems with Vectors of Measures as Their Attractors
Selected Answers