Wedding Planners Daughter (the Wedding Planners Daughter 1)婚礼策划人的女儿1
分類: 图书,少儿,少儿原版书,
作者: Coleen Murtagh Paratore等编著
出 版 社: 家庭电子杂志社
出版时间: 2006-5-1字数:版次: 1页数: 200印刷时间:开本: 32开印次: 1纸张:I S B N : 9781416918547包装: 平装内容简介
Grade 4-6–This book is as sweet a confection as the cherry cordials its 12-year-old protagonist is so fond of eating. Willafred Havisham is starting to put down roots in Bramble, Cape Cod, where her grandmother runs a candy shop and where she's made a friend. She is hoping that her mother will stay here longer than the two years they usually live anywhere, and that she will remarry. Stella is a successful wedding planner who is unaware that her daughter has been adding her own touch for years: she sews cherry pits into the hem of the gowns for good luck. When a celebrity wedding goes awry because of this, Stella feels her business is ruined and the two leave town. The girl's letter to her mother about the meaning of the pits (they represent love) provides emotional heft to what has up to that point been just a pleasant story. Chapters begin with a quote from a book or, less successfully, from a character in this novel. These allusions may prompt readers to look into some of Willa's favorite books and writers.–Tina Zubak, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, PA --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
1 The Wish
2 The Rules
3 Cherry CordCorials
4 The Poet
5 The Twelve Perfect Ingredients
6 The Wedding Planner
7 Bramble
8 A Suitor to Suit Her
9 Beach Glass
10 Mirror,Mirror
11 The Labyrinth
12 Blue Uke the Sea
13 lFK
14 The Picnic
15 Father's Day
16 The June Bu9。
17 The Good Guys
18 Bathin9Suit Season
19 Three on the Fourth ofJuly
20 Tidal Changes
21 Just a Movie
22 Summer Vacation
23 The Secret Ingredient
24 Duke and Dora's Wedding
25 The Red Trunks
26 Simple Gifts
27 Off Cape
28 Lost in the Labyrinth
29 Friday the Thirteenth
30 Home at Last,
31 The Wedding Planner's Daughter
32 Miracles
Willa's Pix--Recommended by Willa Havisham
When life throws you a pit, plant a cherry tree.
——Willa Havisham