结构塑性力学Structural Plasticity

分類: 图书,自然科学,力学,
作者: 俞茂宏,马国伟,李建春著
出 版 社: 浙江大学出版社
出版时间: 2009-3-1字数:版次: 1页数: 384印刷时间:开本: 16开印次:纸张:I S B N : 9787308061681包装: 精装内容简介
Limit and shakedown analysis for structures can provide a very useful tool for design and analysis of engineering structures. Structures by using a unified strength theory.Aseries of solutions of plates,rotating discs and cylinders,pressure vessels are presented.These results encompass the tresca-Mohr-Coulomb solution of structure as special case.The unified solution,which cannot be obtained by using a single criterion,is suitable to more materials and structures.
Maobong Yu is professor of department of Civil Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University,China.He has authored 12 booksincluding Unified Strength Theory and Its Applications and Generalized Plasticity.
1.1 Background
1.2 Unification of Yield and Strength Criteria
1.3 Plastic Limit Analysis
1.4 Plastic Limit Analysis of Rotating Solids
1.5 Shakedown Analysis of Structures
1.6 Plastic Limit Analysis Based on the Unified Strength Theory
1.7 Summary
2 Fundamental Concepts of Stress and Strain
2.1 Stress Components and Invariants
2.2 Deviatoric Stress Tensor and the Tensor Invariants
2.3 Principal Shear Stresses
2.4 Octahedral Shear Stress
2.5 Strain Components
2.6 Equations of Equilibrium
2.7 Generalized Hooke's Law
2.8 Compatibility Equations
2.9 Governing Equations for Plane Stress Problems
2.10 Governing Equations in Polar Coordinates
2.11 Bending of Circular Plate
2.12 Summary
3 Yield Condition
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Conventional Yield Criteria
3.2.1 Maximum Normal Stress Criterion
3.2.2 Maximum Shear Stress-based Criteria— Single-shear Theory
3.2.3 Octahedral Shear Stress-based Criteria—Three-shear Theory
3.2.4 Twin-shear Stress-based Criterion—Twin-shear Theory
3.3 Unified Yield Criterion for Metallic Materials (Non-SD Materials)
3.4 Unified Strength Theory for SD Materials
3.4.1 Mechanical Model of the Unified Strength Theory
3.4.2 Mathematical Modelling of the Unified Strength Theory
3.4.3 Mathematical Expression of the Unified Strength Theory
3.4.4 Yield Surfaces and Yield Loci of the Unified Strength Theory
3.5 Significance of the Unified Strength Theory
3.6 Unified Strength Theory in the Plane Stress State
3.7 Summary
3.8 Problems
4 Theorems of Limit Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Perfectly Plastic Solid
4.3 Power of Dissipation
4.4 Lower-bound Theorem
4.5 Upper-bound Theorem
4.6 Fundamental Limit Theorems
4.7 Important Remarks
4.7.1 Exact Value of the Limit Load (Complete Solution)
4.7.2 Elastic-plastic and Rigid-plastic Bodies
4.7.3 Load-bearing Capacity
4.7.4 Uniqueness
5 Plastic Limit Analysis for Simply Supported Circular Plates
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Basic Equations of Circular Plate
5.3 Unified Solutions of Simply Supported Circular Plate for Non-SD Materials
5.3.1 Uniformly Distributed Load
5.3.2 Arbitrary Axisymmetrical Load
5.4 Unified Solutions of Simply Supported Circular Plate for SD Materials
5.4.1 Partial-uniform Load
6Plastic Limit Analysis of Clamped Clamped circular Plates
7 Plastic Limit Analysis of Annular Plate
8 Plastic Limit Analyses of Oblique, Rhombic, and Rectangular Plates
9 Plastic Limit Analysis of Pressure Vessels
10 Dynamic Plastic Response of Circular Plate
11 Limit Angular Speed of Rotating Disc and Cylinder
12 Projectile Penetration into Semi-infinite Target
13 Plastic Analysis of Orthogona Circular Plate
14 Unified Limit Analysis of a Wellbore
15 Unified Solution of Shakedown Limit for Thick-Walled Cylinder
16 Unified Solution of Shakedown Limit for Circular Plate
17 Shakedown Analysis of Rotating Cylinder and Disc