
奥特蓝星 iPod专用音箱 inMotion iM600 黑色,半价出售!(超值好礼多选一,限量促销!)

奥特蓝星 iPod专用音箱 inMotion iM600 黑色,半价出售!(超值好礼多选一,限量促销!)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 数码影音,MP3/4配件,苹果MP3配件,ipod MP3专用音箱,
  品牌: 奥特兰星 Altec Lansing



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IM600 支持所有iPod (一代到四代产品)/iPhone(2G-3G,飞行模式)的音乐播放功能;


不使用交流电源时, 可以支持全线产品的音乐播放(但不支持充电功能)。


1927年史上第一部的有声电影,采用美国Altec Lansing奥特蓝星音箱系统播放







Altec Lansing 推出最初的inMotion产品时,为其声音及尺寸建立了新的标准,让iPod能以高水准的音效传送音乐。现在,Altec Lansing再度用创新和尖端性能的新机型提升业界标准。Altec Lansing iM600C 音箱系统以两个2英寸的钕制单元提供立体声音效,达到最佳的高频扩展。比起其他任何等级的系统,该款音箱具有更强的功率及输出。此外,它具有Altec Lansing另一项工程创新,那就是Stereo Field Expander,简称SFX。SFX技术使扬声器的音场听起来更为宽广,让使用者感受更强的立体声效果。


奥特蓝星(Altec Lansing)iM600是由世界顶级的设计师专门为iPod潮流一族精心打造的,延续了奥特蓝星inMotion家族精致前卫的风格。 精致优雅的外观,明朗流畅的线条,iM600所诠释的美国最新的时尚动感造型让人不禁眼前一亮。经典大方的黑色基调,配以金属质感的钕合金表面,尽情彰显现代都市时尚活力的生活气息,营造出掌控音乐潮流的极致体验。

奥特蓝星 iPod专用音箱 inMotion iM600 黑色,半价出售!(超值好礼多选一,限量促销!)

如果说iM600的外形是吸引你视线的焦点,那它所能传送出的优质音色一定会给你留下深深的印象。众所周知,奥特蓝星(Altec Lansing)最初推出inMotion时,为其声音及尺寸设定了新的标准,如今iM600以其创新、尖端的性能再一次提升业内标准。革命性创新工程技术——Stereo Field Expander(立体声扩音器),令轻巧的iM600音域拓阔,细小机身亦可带出立体音色。高效能的两个2英寸的钕制驱动器提供立体声音效,达到最佳的高频扩展,进一步提升音效,不用外置低音器也能够完美传送层次丰富的音频质感,确保用家身处何地都能享受一流的听觉艺术。

奥特蓝星 iPod专用音箱 inMotion iM600 黑色,半价出售!(超值好礼多选一,限量促销!)

除了传统的MP3、iPod音频接入,iM600还是备有FM收音机,超然地位绝非一般iPod扬声器所能比拟。当中以特设自动追台模式功能最为突出,只要轻轻按scan键,便可轻易地调较搜索频道,另设有四个FM presets 频道,可预选四个自己喜爱的电台,更快捷方便。iM600 亦设LED显示屏,操作时,屏幕会清晰地显示所选择的FM频道或其它功能选择,并以蓝光作背景,感觉更为优雅。


奥特蓝星(Altec Lansing)iM600,经典时尚、潮流品味、动感活力的象征。如果你是跟随流行脚步的音乐达人,如果你是紧贴时代脉搏的先锋一族,如果你是追求听觉享受的都市丽人,那iM600带来的清澈纯净的天籁之声,充满热情活力的音乐生活,你又怎能错过呢?

























1,183 of 1,228 people found the following review helpful:

4.0 out of 5 stars The Beat of a Different Drummer: 3 Way Ipod Dock Comparison, September 7, 2007

By C. Kelleher "cmkelleher" (new york, ny United States) - See all my reviews


Three Way Comparison, Bose SoundDock vs. Griffin Amplifi vs. Altec Lansing IM600:

Design and Features:

Bose Sound Dock: Cabinet made of plastic. Appears to have two 2.5" acoustic suspension (enclosed) drivers under a metallic grill, with a whole bunch of added physical structures that look to be waveguides and / or signal processors. Bose keeps details on this pretty much obscured, but wattage estimates I've seen on the net put power output at roughly 50-60 watts and based on my own comparative experience, I would agree. Some commentators think the unit has four drivers rather than two, but I see only two beneath the grill and I am not going to disassemble the unit. Some Bose haters on the net claim frequency response on the SD is capped at a mere 10,000 kHz, which I personally doubt, as treble rich music I've played on this sounds fine, and no reliable net source makes this claim. Ipod docks in a front-mounted bay. My 5.5 G 30 GB feels rather loosely supported, but no major issues.

No line-in or out. Indeed, no console controls at all except a volume up and volume down button. Simple remote, though very reliable and with good range. The power wart is bizarrely large and bulky, plus is also in two sections, making it seem like you're going to be powering up a railgun or supercollider rather than a relatively low powered music player. The design is sturdy and attractive overall, but the lack of any special features whatsoever is dismaying, perhaps symptomatic of Bose's condescending "electronics for idiots" philosophy. Charges Ipod as long as it is docked, when playing or when off.

Griffin Amplifi: Cabinet made of wood, looks like small shoebox. Has two 2.75" drivers front mounted and a bottom mounted 5" woofer with a bass port. Griffin in the worst Bose tradition refuses to disclose many tech statistics on their unit, but my power estimate puts this at about 30-40 watts, not really much different from the Bose. (To sound twice as loud needs a 10 times (1000%) increase in wattage, so the Bose advantage of maybe 33% more power should not really give much real world benefit.) Frequency response per mfgr is 50-16,000 kHz which seems a bit unbelievable on the low end, but feasible enough on the higher end. Ipod docks on top and sticks awkwardly out of the unit like a control tower, but fit is snugger than on Sound Dock which makes me feel more reassured.

There is a line-in and not much more. Big blue-lit knob controls on-off and volume. Remote is a copy of the Bose's with the same simple functions. Range and aiming tolerance is inferior to both the Bose and the Altec, but certainly adequate. Annoyingly, the Amplifi only charges an Ipod docked in it when the Amplifi is on; if the Ipod is docked and the Griffin is turned off, no charging. Either Griffin's engineers are idiots, or they decided to save a few pennies in the design.

Altec Lansing IM600: Smallest unit, with plastic cabinet and cool fold up dock that also has on / off switch. Has two 2" acoustic suspension drivers, and a separate subwoofer out line that I did not use. Also has video out and line-in ports, plus a decent FM tuner and telescoping antenna. Tons and tons of features in comparison to our other competitors. Plus unit has an internal rechargeable battery which lasts for roughly 7 hours, and an "SFX" stereo expander DSP switch. Altec is honest enough to give the power stats on the unit of 14 watts. Though this is less than either other dock, as stated above the actual volume difference is not reflected in the numbers. Frequency range is not specified, but it seems to go as high as either of the other competitors, with perhaps less bass extension. Front mounted dock that gently leans the Ipod against a reinforced acoustically neutralized spot on the unit so vibrations will not affect the Ipod during playback.

IM600 also has a beautiful backlit display which stays lit while the unit is plugged in to AC power. The Altec charges Ipods as long as there is an AC connection, whether or not the Altec is turned on. The IM600 does not charge Ipods when the dock is running on its own rechargeable battery. The remote is also IR like the others in the test, and is somewhere between the Bose and Griffin in terms of range and responsiveness. Remote lets you control SFX mode and access four radio presets. (Though if you lose the remote, you will have no preset control at all, so try not to do that.)


Bose: Excellent deep bass, controlled and accurate, never boomy. Mid-range is emphasized, so guitars and vocals sound especially fine. Treble appears a bit less impressive, but trebly stuff like Vivaldi and Tallis sounds just fine. The Bose sounds better with rock and jazz than with classical, but not dramatically so. The Bose sounds equally good at both low and high end, and the unit can be played at max volume with no distortion, probably due to Bose's manipulation of the source signal. Nevertheless, the Bose sounds very good at all volumes and with virtually any type of music. The Bose can also fill up any small or medium room with sound, and can even be a decent sound system for a reasonably quiet large room. Stereo separation was the best of all three speakers, unimpressive when compared to a formal stereo with speakers a couple of yards apart, but certainly very much a feat from speakers separated from each other by less than a foot. Detail is excellent with many-layered music like works by Nine Inch Nails and Dead Can Dance being expertly and precisely performed.

I am no fan of Bose, finding the sound from their home theater systems to be artificial, inaccurate, compromised, pricey, and over-hyped. However, in the case of the SoundDock, with the goal of creating generally acceptable sound from lossy sources, Bose has executed the concept impeccably well. The music as played may not be dead-on accurate, but it is not noticeably deficient and sounds loud, detailed, and clear at any volume. Kind of like McDonald's fries, the SoundDock is by far the jewel in the rather uneven portfolio of Bose equipment. Even if you hate the idea of Bose, or have disliked their other audio products, the SoundDock may well amaze you.

Griffin: Bass is about as good as the SoundDock, maybe lower extension, but roughly the same precision and balance. Griffin is to be commended for not going crazy and letting the big 5" woofer run roughshod over the sound of the Amplifi. The big woofer does not make the Amplifi sound better than the Bose at the low end, but on the other hand it doesn't sound worse, and it is also much cheaper. Griffin was not aiming to beat the Bose here, but rather to equal it with a lower price and simpler design. Mid-range is another strong point here, and treble is also a bit lacking, like in the Bose, but not too much so. Classical pieces still sound very good on the Griffin.

Where the Amplifi does lose ground to Bose is in the fancy stuff. Stereo separation is non-existent, and detail is nowhere near as precise as on the Bose. This sounds like a big loud mono speaker. Low volumes especially lose a lot of fine subtlety, and distortion is heard at the very highest volumes (though to be fair, no one would really play this unit that loud, as it is probably 100 dB or more.) The acoustically tuned all wood cabinet adds little to the sound signature of the Amplif vis a vis the plastic cabinet of the Bose. The lack of stereo separation, detail, and full clarity throughout all volume ranges is where the added cost of the Bose is most evident and justifiable. Most users will like the Griffin though; it mimics the sound signature of the Bose convincingly, has a retro wood cabinet design, and has at least one important feature that the Bose lacks, a line-in, all of this at a street value of 1/3rd of what the Bose goes for. This will make the Amplif a great solution for most users, especially those on a budget. However, the added price of the Bose does create a noticeably superior sound in at least some aspects.

Altec Lansing: The IM600 takes a different path than its rivals, aiming for a more treble oriented sound, with adequate bass and very good mids. The IM600 sounds crisp and detailed, but lacks the low end punch of the Bose or Griffin. The 600 has a separate subwoofer out line and a 3" sub is available separately from Altec Lansing for $50. No idea how it sounds. This is the best of these three units for classical music reproduction, but most music sounds fine on it. Even bass heavy music is more than acceptable for most listeners; you just don't feel the low end as prominently as you do with the other two docks, but depending on your expectations, this may be just fine.

Stereo separation is not especially strong on the Altec, to be expected when the drivers are all of 7" apart. The SFX mode is helpful in this regard, and does give some stereo sound effect, and really does not hurt sound reproduction in any way, so I normally leave the effect on. Stereo is far more noticeable than the Griffin, but less pronounced than the Bose. (However, even the Bose offers far less stereo than one might get from properly placed PC satellite speakers, let alone a true home stereo system...) Clarity and detail on the IM600 is excellent, rivaling the Bose in many cases. Brass and drums sound a bit more real and crisp on the Bose, and this plus the better low end will give the nod to the SoundDock over the IM600 for most listeners, unless you listen to nothing but classical. The IM600 distorts a bit at maximum volume, but not terribly so. It sounds as good at low volumes as it does at normal (medium level) settings.


Bose: Normally listed at $300 and almost never discounted. The new "portable" SoundDock just came out as of this writing and sells for $400. If Bose can maintain this exceptionally high price for the newer model, SoundDock prices may stay at $300, but if the newer unit needs some price adjustment, the original SoundDock may fall in price (or even be discontinued.). I purchased my Bose as a reconditioned by the factory model for $250 and then caught a sale at the Bose store for an added 10% off, $225 total. I think Bose stores are the only place where you can get the "factory renewed" models for the lower price.



Bose: Probably not worth $300, the price I paid of $225 feels like about what the SoundDock is worth. The sound is audibly better quality here, though probably not two to three times better than the Griffin or the Altec, which is what the pricing would indicate. The lack of a decent feature set makes the Bose seem like even less of a value. Again though, if style, quality, simplicity, and excellent sound is your goal, and price does not matter that much, the Bose is a fine choice. Special note to all the Bose haters: take a listen to this before lumping it in with such atrocities as the Acoustimass and StereoEverywhere technology. The SoundDock sounds unusually good, does not mangle realism of the sound unpleasantly, and is really the cutting edge of what can be done with reproducing Ipod sound from a small one-piece unit.

Griffin: Aims for the SoundDock's sound signature, and generally succeeds. Lacks a bit of polish in both physical and sonic characteristics, but overall is an excellent value. If you want Bose, but can't afford it, the Amplifi will not leave you with many regrets. The wooden cabinet and big bass driver are not utilized very distinctively, but there are no glaring missteps here either. However, if you can afford the SoundDock, the Griffin has no real advantages as its clone philosophy and minimal feature set offer no advantage over Bose except cost. The bigger and better sound of the SoundDock justifies the added cost as long as price is not the main consideration.

Altec Lansing: The excellent design, wonderful feature set, and portability of this unit distinguishes and separates it from the other two. Sound is generally well done, crisp and appealing, and the treble emphasis gives the Altec its own sonic niche. The power difference in watts is not really noticeable except if you are trying to fill up a big room with sound, and why would you be doing that with a wee tiny Ipod dock anyway? Most users will be very happy with the IM600's sound and the quality FM tuner is just the icing on the cake. If you are on a budget, I would say get the Altec as it sells for roughly the same price as the Amplifi, and has many more features including portability. The IM600 has somewhat less bass than the Griffin, but better stereo sound and detail clarity.


52 of 60 people found the following review helpful:

Plasticky little thing..., December 27, 2007

By Rolando F. Mocan Quan

Note: Video output may not work with iPod classic 6th Generation.


The Altec Lansing inMotion iM600 is a handy speaker system with an FM Radio and Aux. Input, so you can have it play whatever you want: either your iPod (it plays my iPod classic 80GB), your favorite radio stations (4 presets) or sound coming from your PC or any other player, via a miniplug cable connected to the Aux. Input (cable not included).

Add to that the rechargeable battery (that lasts up to seven hours) and you have yourself a replacement for your old cd-boombox to take to poolside or just outside.

The design is quite moveable too, measuring aprox. 11.5 x 5 inches and sporting a foldable base. I have transported it in the laptop carrying case, together with the laptop.

The included remote control comes in handy too.

The iM600 also charges your iPod in two ways:

a) when the iM600 is connected to an electrical outlet (it does NOT charge your iPod when it's running in batteries) and

b) when you have the USB connected to your computer (even when the iM600 is running on batteries. Of course, the power comes through the USB connection from your computer).

The USB (type B) connection (cable not included) allows you to synchronize the iPod with a computer loaded with iTunes (works on iPod classic 80GB).

Finally, you have a subwoofer miniplug output and a video output.

It is a great concept, with some limitations:

1. Underpowered. I mainly use it in my office as the speaker system for my laptop. I just used it for our Christmas celebration at the office and even at top volume, it couldn't be heard 6 or 7 meters away. But it's better than the laptop speakers or the stereo speakers that came with my home PC.

2. Flimsy foldable base. The base folds to cover all the input/output connectors in the back (which also cleveryly holds the remote) AND the power switch and volume buttons on the front, which protects them.

When open, the base holds the unit in place, but only through a spring mechanism that doesn't lock open, and some pressure could cause the base to fold in. It also looks rather delicate.

3. Closing the base covers the connectors and also turns the unit off. So when the base is closed you can't charge the batteries or listen to the radio. Thus, the iM600 is more "moveable" than portable: it works only when open and you really want to place it on a flat stable surface and not to carry it around while listening to your iPod. It feels very delicate when you move it while holding the iPod.

4. The shiny plastic it's made of tends to scratch rather easily. This adds to the "don't move much or transport" aura.

5. Of course, if you want to carry it constantly with you, you need to carry the power adapter (no, it's not just a power cord) and you may need to carry a couple of cables. While carrying it, you will want to keep the power adapter separate from the unit, so as not to scrath the plastic. A travel case would certainly help... but then you'd be accessorizing your accessory (by the way, Bose sells a travel case for Bose's Soundock system).

5. If you want better bass, you need an optional subwoofer. (When connecting the subwoofer or anything to the sub-out, the iM600 will redirect bass to that device and stop producing it via it's speakers) 6. Finally: It plays music from my iPod 80GB (6th Generation), the unit's controls do work with this iPod, the remote control works fine and the data connection works. BUT the video out feature does not work with my iPod. I am dissapointed. I don't have another iPod model to try, but then I think this system was designed prior to the 6G iPod.

I'm satisfied with the iM600, but ease of transportation, durability and the video not working are issues for me, especially for an above $100 product.





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