Hi-Fi风情4情深意长:中国歌曲Etrenal firendship(CD)
參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索分類: 音乐频道,CD,
内容介绍详细内容: 1 情深意长Eternal friendship
2 康定情歌Kangding love song
3 燕子Swallow
4 你那里的月儿圆不圆Miss you at mid-autumn
5 边疆泉水清又纯Pure spring ar frontier
6 绣荷包Embroidered pouch
7 离别了幸福的家乡Farewell to my blest home
8 女儿湖夜曲Noctune of the girl's lake
9 黄杨扁担Boxwood shoulder pole
10 雪花纷纷向下飘Storm-tossed snowflakes
11 洗贝歌Song of pearl diver
12 金银滩Golden beach
13 新编的花儿漫天下Ehe fresh ballad in vogue