
分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,普及性英语学习,语法,
品牌: 陆国强
·页码:381 页
1.(A)He had hardly[scarcely] closed his eyes
before [when] the telephone rang.
(B)He had no sooner closed his eyes than the
telephone rang.
(C)As soon as he closed his eyes,the telephone rang.
2.(A)I had waited three days before he came back.
(B)I had not waited long before he came back.
3.(A)Stirw ith a metal spoon until the sugar has dissolved.
(B)The traffic laws don't take effect until the end of the year.
(A)直到……时 (B)直到……(才)
4.Unless you pay by credit card,please pay in cash.
5.(A)I will come only if nothing is said to the press.
(B)These snakes only attack if they feel frightened or threat-ened.
6.(A)Only when all attempts at negotiation had failed,did the men decide to go on strike.
(B)Not until all attempts at negotiation had failed,did themen decide to go on strike.
7.(A)You shall want for nothing as long as I live.
(B)Any book will do,so long as it is interesting.
8.(A)He is not so much a scholar as a businessman.
(B)The strength of know ledge consists not so much in its wide spectrum as in its wide application.
9.(A)I don t know him;indeed I have not so much as heard his name.
(B)He left the room without so much as saying a goodbye to me.
10.(A)Poor as he was,he was above selling his honor at any price.
(B)Fool as he is,he can see through the trick.
(C)Little as I like the invitation,I cannot but accept it.
(D)Try as you will,you can t solve the problem.
11.(A)Used,as they are,to all sorts of dangers,they are not to be daunted by anything.
(B)Living,as I do,so remote from towns,I rarely have visi-tors.
12.(A)Thiswatch is as expensive as that one.
(B)John writes as neatly as Mary.
(C)I haven't got so much money as I thought.
(D)Try to get as many opinions as you can.
13.(A)His new book is more interesting than his earlier ones.
(B)Some people think much more about their rights than(they do)about their duties.
(C)The new edition is less expensive than the old one.
(D)He visits us less frequently than he used to.
14.(A)He is as brave as any man alive.
(B)He is as brave a man as ever breathed.
(C)He is the bravest man that ever lived.
15.(A)The more learned aman is,the more modesthe usually is.
(B)The later you arrive,the better the food is.
16.(A)It is too cold to go in the sea yet.
(B)I am only too delighted to accept your kind invitation.
17.(A)Credit has been arranged so as to spread the payments over a 10-month period.
(B)These politicians made prom ises simply in order to win more votes.
18.(A)He was so fat that he couldn't get through the door.
(B)His statement was so ambiguous as to be totally meaning-less.
(C)Many contestants later failed drug tests,so that the race had to be rerun.
19.(A)The nature of the job was such thathe feltobliged to tell no one about it.
(B)It's such a tiny kitchen that I don't have to do much to keep it clean.
(C)His manner was such as to offend everyone who he met.
20.(A)He used to smoke fifty cigarettes a day.
(B)Dare you climb that tree?
(C)I didn t need to go to the office yesterday.
(A)过去经常 (B)敢…… (C)没必要
21.(A)It s no good complaining.
(B)Imust insist on him [his] paying.
(C)He denied taking the pen.
22.(A)One cannot but admire him.
(B)We couldn't help but admire her courage.
(C)I can't help feeling that it was a mistake to let him go.
23.(A)The guide-book is not only interesting but also instructive.
(B)He not only washed the car,but(also)polished it.
(C)Not only did he hear it,but he saw it aswell.
(D)He not only writes his own plays,he also acts in them.
24.(A)You would do well to consult him on the subject.
(B)You had better make some notes.
(A)最好还是 (B)还是……好
25.(A)Anything,exceptwater,is likely to block a sink.
(B)This essay is good except for some careless mistakes.
(C)He is a good student except thathe is occasionally careless.
26.(A)He tends to put self-interest above everything(else).
(B)I want to be honest,honest above everything else.
27.(A)They raised prices and cut production,instead of cutting costs.
(B)It is not an idea around which the committee can unite.On the contrary,I see it as one thatw ill divide us.
(A)而不是…… (B)正相反
28.(A)There is no alternative[choice] but to fire him.
(B)We can do nothing but fire him.
151.(A)I don't doubt but that you re telling the truth.
(B)Excuse me,but I think you re wrong there.
152.(A)For every two bucks you take in,you can stick one in your pocket!
(B)For every one who wanted him to play Mozart,ten wanted him to play Beethoven.
153.(A)Oh,that I could see her again!
(B)That he should speak to me like this!
154.(A)Iwould pay you if I could.But as it is I cannot.
(B)He's a sort of unpaid adviser,as itwere,to the committee.
(A)实际上 (B)可谓
155.He goes to work early;before the office is awake,so to speak.
156.(A)It was thoughtless,if well-meaning.
(B)He's a real gentleman,if a little pompous at times.
157.(A)It is nothing if not a good idea.
(B)The holiday is nothing if not varied.
158.The anthrosphere is the biosphere as affected by human activities.
159.Come on—get with it!
160.(A)This pub is where it's at.(B)Jogging is where it's at.
161.(A)“Can I have two bottles of beer please?”“There you are,that ll be$6please.”
(B)There you go(again)—jumping to conclusions on the slightest evidence.
(C)Those children have been lighting fires in the park—so they re at it again,are they?
(A)除了……以外别无其他选择 (B)只好
29.(A)His friends and colleagues will be very upset,not to speak of his parents.
(B)He had to go to prison for a month,to say nothing of the fine.
30.(A)I wonder whether she can come.
(B)Whether you like it or not,you're going to face him one day.
(C)I'm sure we'll see each other again soon whether here or in New York.
31.(A)I wish I were rich.
(B)She wished she had stayed at home.
(C)I wish the snow would stop.
32.(A)If only I could swim!
(B)If he had only come earlier!
(C)If you would only try harder!
33.(A)It would be worth while trying even though it may not succeed at once.
(B)He did well in his exam ination,even if he didn't get a prize.
34.I feel as if[as though] I'm floating on air.
35.(A)I'm taking a raincoat with me in case I need it.
(B)We have a memorial service every year lest we(should)forget our debt to those who died in battle.
(C)I bought the car at once for fear that he might change his mind.
36.(A)If Henry were here,he would know the answer.
(B)If John has worked hard,he would have passed the exam ination.
(C)If you went there,you would see what I mean.
(D)If our train were to arrive punctually,we should have time to visit your sister.
(E)If you should change your mind,please let me know.
37.(A)Were John here now,he would explain the whole matter.
(B)Had you asked me,I would have told you the answer.
(C)Were our train to arrive punctually,we should have time to visit your sister.
(D)Should you need help,please let me know.
38.(A)Whenever I come it rains.
(B)No matter when I come,it rains.
39.(A)Wherever you go,you can t escape from yourself.
(B)No matterwhere you go,you can't escape from yourself.
40.(A)Whatever I say,I seem to say the wrong thing.
(B)No matterwhat I say,I seem to say the wrong thing.
41.(A)No matter how far it is,I intend to drive there tonight.
(B)However far it is,I intend to drive there tonight.
42.(A)It is obvious that money doesn't grow on trees.
(B)That money doesn't grow on trees should be obvious.