
敏捷开发艺术(影印版)(The Art of Agile Development)

敏捷开发艺术(影印版)(The Art of Agile Development)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,计算机与互联网,软件工程及软件方法学,软件过程,
  品牌: 肖尔


·页码:409 页








·外文书名:The Art of Agile Development
















—— Brian Marick,Exampler Consulting ...


Preface. xiii

Part I. Getting Started

1. Why Agile? 3

Understanding Success 4

Beyond Deadlines 4

The Importance of Organizational Success 5

Enter Agility 6

2. How to Be Agile 9

Agile Methods 9

Don’t Make Your Own Method 10

The Road to Mastery 11

Find a Mentor 12

3. Understanding XP 15

The XP Lifecycle 18

The XP Team 27

XP Concepts 39

4. Adopting XP43

Is XP Right for Us? 43

Go! 51

Assess Your Agility 62

Part II. Practicing XP

5. Thinking 69

Pair Programming 71

Energized Work 79

Informative Workspace 83

Root-Cause Analysis 88

Retrospectives 91

6. Collaborating 99

Trust 102

Sit Together 112

Real Customer Involvement 120

Ubiquitous Language 124

Stand-Up Meetings 129

Coding Standards 133

Iteration Demo 138

Reporting 144

7. Releasing153

“Done Done” 156

No Bugs 160

Version Control 169

Ten-Minute Build 177

Continuous Integration 183

Collective Code Ownership 191

Documentation 195

8. Planning 199

Vision 201

Release Planning 206

The Planning Game 219

Risk Management 224

Iteration Planning .. 233

Slack 246

Stories 253

Estimating 260

9. Developing271

Incremental Requirements 273

Customer Tests 278

Test-Driven Development 285

Refactoring 303

Simple Design 314

Incremental Design and Architecture 321

Spike Solutions 331

Performance Optimization 335

Exploratory Testing 341

Part III. Mastering Agility

10. Values and Principles 353

Commonalities 353

About Values, Principles, and Practices 354

Further Reading 354

11. Improve the Process 357

Understand Your Project 357

une and Adapt 358

Break the Rules 359

12. Rely on People 361

Build Effective Relationships 361

Let the Right People Do the Right Things 363

Build the Process for the People 364

13. Eliminate Waste 367

Work in Small, Reversible Steps 367

Fail Fast 369

Maximize Work Not Done 370

Pursue Throughput 371

14. Deliver Value 375

Exploit Your Agility 375

Only Releasable Code Has Value 376

Deliver Business Results 378

Deliver Frequently 379

15. Seek Technical Excellence381

Software Doesn’t Exist 381

Design Is for Understanding 382

Design Trade-offs 383

Quality with a Name 383

Great Design 383

Universal Design Principles 384

Principles in Practice 387

Pursue Mastery 388

References 391

Index... 397


序言We want to help you master the art of agile development

Agile development, like any approach to team-based software development, is a fundamentally human art, one subject to the vagaries of individuals and their interactions. To master agile development, you must learn to evaluate myriad possibilities, moment to moment, and intuitively pick the best course of action.

How can you possibly learn such a difficult skill? Practice!

First and foremost, this book is a detailed description of one way to practice agile development: Extreme Programming (XP). It’s a practical guide that, if followed mindfully, will allow you to successfully bring agile development in the form of XP to your team—or will help you decide that it’s not a good choice in your situation.

Our second purpose is to help you master the art of agile development. Mastering agility means going beyond our cookbook of practices. Agile development is too context-sensitive for one approach to be entirely appropriate, and too nuanced for any book to teach you how to master it. Mastery comes from within: from experience and from an intuitive understanding of ripples caused by the pebble of a choice. We can’t teach you how your choices will ripple throughout your organization. We don’t try. You must provide the nuance and understanding. This is the only way to master the art. Follow the practices. Watch what happens. Think about why they worked... or didn’t work. Then do them again. What was the same? What was different? Why? Then do it again. And again. ..

At first, you may struggle to understand how to do each practice. They may look easy on paper, but putting some practices into action may be difficult. Keep practicing until they’re easy.

As XP gets easier, you will discover that some of our rules don’t work for you. In the beginning, you won’t be able to tell if the problem is in our rules or in the way you’re following them. Keep practicing until you’re certain. When you are, break the rules. Modify our guidance to work better for your specific situation.

Parts I and II of this book contain our approach to XP. Part I helps you get started with Extreme Programming; Part II provides detailed guidance for each of XP’s practices. Parts I and II should keep you occupied for many months.

When you’re ready to break the rules, turn to Part III. A word of warning: there is nothing in Part III that will help you practice XP. Instead, it’s full of ideas that will help you understand XP and agile development more deeply.

One day you’ll discover that rules no longer hold any interest for you. After all, XP and agile development aren’t about following rules. “It’s about simplicity and feedback, communication and trust,” you’ll think. “It’s about delivering value—and having the courage to do the right thing at the right time.” You’ll evaluate myriad possibilities, moment to moment, and intuitively pick the best course of action.

When you do, pass this book on to someone else, dog-eared and ragged though it may be, so that they too can master the art of agile development.

文摘Two customers for every three programmers seems like a lot, doesn't it? Initially I started with a much smaller ratio, but I often observed customers struggling to keep up with the programmers. Eventually I arrived at the two-to-three ratio after trying different ratios on several successful teams. I also asked other XP coaches about their experiences. The consensus was that the two-to-three ratio was about right.

Most of those projects involved complex problem domains, so if your software is fairly straightforward, you may be able to have fewer customers. Keep in m ind that customers have a lot of work to do. They need to figure out what provides the most value, set the appropriate priorities for the work, identify all the details that programmers will ask about, and fit in time for customer reviews and testing. They need to do all this while staying one step ahead of the programmers, who are right behind them, crunching through stories like freight trains. It's a big iob. Don't underestimate it. The product manager has only one job on an XP project, but it's a doozy. That job is to maintain and promote the product vision. In practice, this means documenting the vision, sharing it with stakeholders, incorporating feedback, generating features and stories, setting priorities for release planning, providing direction for the team's on-site customers, reviewing work in progress, leading iteration demos, involving real customers, and dealing with organizational politics.

The best product managers have deep understandings of their markets, whether the market is one organization (as with custom software) or many (as with commercial software). Good product managers have an intuitive understanding of what the software will provide and why it's the most important thing

their project teams can do with their time. A great product manager also has a rare combination of skills. In addition to vision, she must have the authority to make difficult t ade-off decisions abo


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