文学中的语言:文体学导论(英文版)(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库)(Language in Literature:An Introduction to Stylistics)

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,其他,
品牌: 图兰
·页码:250 页
·外文书名:Language in Literature:An Introduction to Stylistics
1.Getting started
2.Cohesion: making text
3.Modality and attitude
4.Processes and participants
5.Recording speech and thought
6.Narrative structure
7.A few well-chosen words
8.Talking: acts of give and take
References and recommended further reading
文摘A cut-price crowd, urban yet simple, dwelling
Where only salesmen and relations come
Within a terminate and fishy-smelling
Pastoral of ships up streets, the slave museum,
Tattoo-shops, consulates, grim head-scarfed wives;
And out beyond its mortgaged half-built edges
Fast-shadowed wheat fields, running high as hedges,
Isolate villages, where removed lives
Loneliness clarifies. Here silence stands
Like heat. Here leaves unnoticed thicken,
Hidden weeds flower, neglected waters quicken,
Luminously-peopled air ascends;
And past the poppies bluish neutral distance
Ends the land suddenly beyond a beach
Of shapes and shingle. Here is unfenced existence:
Facing the sun, untalkative, out of reach.
The stylistic mentality is always on the lookout for one or more of the following:
recurrent structures
ungrammatical or 'language-stretching' structures
large internal contrasts of content or presentation.
And it is not embarrassed about beginning a discussion with broad orvague first impressions, so-called intuitive or subjective responses,and keeping those in mind as the discussion works its way from thegeneral to the specific. What, then, are your first impressions of thispoem? It would be useful if you read over the poem again, and jotteddown your first impressions and reactions, before reading on.
My own first impressions are that the poem seems to involve ajourney, a movement from one place to a different one; that it is highlydescriptive, indeed quite packed with mentioned things; and that thefinal eight lines contrast, in many respects, with what goes before. Forinstance, they seem both more contemplative and more positive intone than the earlier lines, or more approving of what they report.These immediate reactions do much to shape the closer languageanalysis that follows; they are claims that the more detailed attentionwill now seek to bolster, or adjust. I believe a similar progressi