语言教学中的课程设计(英文版)(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库)(Curriculum Development in Language Teaching)

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,其他,
品牌: 理查兹
·页码:321 页
·外文书名:Curriculum Development in Language Teaching
作者简介Jack C. Richards 是一位著名的语言教育专家,有30余年的英语教学研究和实践经验,能充分理解教师的实际需要,这一点在本书的叙述方式、章节安排和思考题的设计上均有体现。
eries editor's preface
1 The origins of language curriculum development
2 From syllabus design to curriculum development
3 Needs analysis
4 Situation analysis
5 Planning goals and learning outcomes
6 Course planning and syllabus design
7 Providing for effective teaching
8 The role and design of instructional materials
9 Approaches to evaluation
Author index
Subject index
序言Like many language teaching professionals, I entered the field of languageteaching as a classroom teacher, anticipating that as I accumulated experi-ence and professional knowledge, I would become a better teacher. As manyothers have discovered, however, I soon came to realize that being an ef-fective teacher meant much more than becoming a more skillful and knowl-edgeable classroom practitioner. It meant learning how to develop and adaptmaterials, to plan and evaluate courses, to adapt teaching to students' needs,and to function within an institutional setting. It became clear that effectiveteaching was dependent on understanding the context for teaching, theneeds of teachers and learners, the careful planning of courses and materi-als, as well as the monitoring of teaching and learning. In short, it was nec-essary to try to understand teaching as a part of an interrelated set of factorsand processes that are often referred to as curriculum development.
This book seeks to describe and examine the processes of curriculum de-velopment in language teaching in order to acquaint language teachers andteachers-in-training with fundamental issues and practices in language cur-riculum development. Curriculum development is an essentially practicalactivity since it seeks to improve the quality of language teaching throughthe use of systematic planning, development, and review practices in all as-pects of a language program. The book tries to provide as many examplesas possible of how some of the practical problems in language program de-velopment have been addressed by practitioners in many parts of the world.At the same time, the practices employed in developing and renewing lan-guage programs themselves reflect ongoing theories and developments inlanguage teaching pedagogy, second language acquisition theory, educa-tional theory, and related fields; hence the book also seeks to highlight im-portant theoretical issuesthat can have a significant impact on language cur-riculum practices.
文摘The goal of needs analysis is to collect information that can be used to de-velop a profile of the language needs of a group of learners in order to beable to make decisions about the goals and content of a language course.However, other factors apart from learner needs are relevant to the des!gnand implementation of successful language programs. Language programsare carried out in particular contexts or situations. Clark (1987, xii) com-ments:
A language curriculum is a function of the interrelationships that hold betweensubject-specific concerns and other broader factors embracing socio-politicaland philosophical matters, educational value systems, theory and practice incurriculum design, teacher experiential wisdom and learner motivation. Inorder to understand the foreign language curriculum in any particular contextit is therefore necessary to attempt to understand how all the various influencesinterrelate to give a particular shape to the planning and execution of theteaching/learning process.
The contexts for language programs are diverse and the particular variablesthat come into play in a specific situation are often the key determinants ofthe success of a program. Some language curricula are planned for centrallyorganized state school systems where a great deal of direction and supportfor teaching is provided. Others take place in settings where there are lim-ited human and physical resources. Some proposals for curriculum changeare well received by teachers, but others may be resisted. In some situations,teachers are well trained and have time available to plan their own lessonmaterials. In other situations, teachers may have little time for lesson plan-ning and materials production and simply teach from their textbooks. Eachcontext for a curriculum change or innovation thus contains factors that canpotentially facilitate the change or hinder its successful implementation(Markee 1997). It is important, therefore, to identify what these factors areand