
Flora of China(13)

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  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,科学与自然,生物科学,植物学,
  品牌: 吴征镒


·页码:491 页









内容简介《Flora of China(13)》是由吴征镒编写的。Volume 7 of the Flora of China is the 16th of the 24 text volumes in the series. It includes11 families, 95 genera, and 1216 species, among which four genera and 778 species (64%) areendemic to China, and eight genera and 16 species (1.3%) are introduced to China. Publication ofthe Annonaceae and Berberidaceae, which were scheduled for inclusion in this volume, has beenpostponed.

媒体推荐"...a landmark series of volumes."

——Economic Botany

"...a must for any student of the temperate

and subtropical flora of such a vast, species-

rich country.."

——Kew Bulletin

"...an indispensable tool for identifying Chinese plants.."

——Systematic Botany

编辑推荐《Flora of China(13)》Volume 13 of the illustrations series is devoted to 33 plant families, a number of which are of horticultural or agricultural importance or are otherwise distinctive: Violaceae, with its white, purple, and yellow violets; Passifloraceae, the passion flower family; Caricaceae, of which the genus Carica furnishes us with the papaya fruit; Begoniaceae, with Begonia, noted for its ornamental flowers and foliage; Cactaceae, featuring the Cactus genus; Thymelaeaceae, including the ornamental shrubs Daphne, and Edgeworthia used for the manufacture of paper and medicines; Trapaceae, the water chestnuts; Nyssaceae, containing the genus Camptotheca, source of the anticancer drug camptothecin, and Davidia, the dove tree, which naturally occurs only in China; Onagraceae, including evening primrose and Epilobium or willowherb; and Araliaceae, containing the ivies as well as Panax or ginseng.




Clusiaceae(Guttiferae)藤黄科teng huang ke

Dipterocarpaceae龙脑香科long nao xiang ke

Elatinaceae沟繁缕科90u fan ln ke

Frankeniaceae瓣鳞花科ban lin hua ke

Tamaricaceae柽柳科cheng liu ke

Cistaceae半日花科ban ri hua ke

Bixaceae红木科hong mu ke

Violaceae堇菜科jin cai ke

Flacourtiaceae大风子科da feng zi ke

Stachyuraceae旌节花科jing jie hua ke

Passifloraceae西番莲科xi fan lian ke

Caricaceae番木瓜科fan mu gua ke

Tetramelaceae四数木科si shu mu ke

Begoniaceae秋海棠科qiu hai tang ke

Ancistrocladaceae钩枝藤科90u zhi teng ke

Cactaceae仙人掌科xian ren zhang ke

Thymelaeaceae瑞香科rui xiang ke

Elaeagnaceae胡颓子科hu tui zi ke

Lythraceae千屈菜科qian qu cai ke

Trapaceae菱科ling ke

Crypteroniaceae隐翼科yin yi ke

Lecythidaceae玉蕊科yu rui ke

Rhizophotaceae红树科hong shu ke

Nyssaceae蓝果树科lan guo shu ke

Alangiaceae八角枫科ba jiao feng ke

Combretaceae使君子科shi jun zi ke

Myrtaceae桃金娘科tao jin niang ke

Melastomataceae野牡丹科ye mu dan ke

Onagraceae杉叶菜科liu ye cai ke

Haloragaceae小二仙草科xiao er xian cao ke

Hippuridaceae杉叶藻科shan ye zao ke

Cynomoriaceae锁阳科SUO yang ke

Araliaceae五加科wu jia ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora ofChina and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes of the Flora ofChina and the Flora ofChina Illustrations


序言The first volume of the English language Flora of China appeared in 1994. In order to increase theusefulness of these text volumes, and to make available the beautiful drawings used for the previouslypublished Chinese language Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS), the Flora of China Hlustrationsseries was started in 1998. The illustrations series follows the taxonomy of the text series, but somemodifications in presentation have been made so that FRPS figures can fit into the present scheme.Additional illustrations are also included for taxa not or insufficiently illustrated in FRPS.

This publication is the 14th in a series of 24 volumes of the Flora of China Illustrations. It accom-panies the Flora of China (FOC) Volume 13, which was published in 2007 and treated 151 genera with1,288 species in 33 familes. This volume of illustrations includes 470 plates representing a total of 774species, 12 subspecies, and 18 varieties in 157 genera of 33 families.

The illustrations are generally arranged according to the sequence of tribes, genera, and species inFOC Volume 13, except when a figure includes more than one taxon, in which case the sequence is deter-mined by the first species listed in the compound figure. Some highly variable species are illustrated onmore than one plate to show morphological variations. Scale bars are given for some of the plates.

Names of recognized taxa are in boldface, and author names follow FOC. Each recognized taxon isfollowed by its Chinese name and the pinyin transliteration of that name. Important synonyms and mis-applied names are cited after the pinyin names. Page numbers for the descriptions in FOC and for the figurenumber, volume number, and year of publication of the FRPS volume, as well as names of artists andsources of illustrations in the case of redrawings or reproductions, are listed in parentheses at the end ofeach caption.

Indexes to figure numbers are given for the Chinese names, their pinyin transliterations, and thescientific names.


Flora of China(13)

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