

微纳米结构的导电聚合物  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,科技,一般工业技术,工程材料学,特种结构材料,
  品牌: 万梅香


·页码:292 页











Conducting Polymers with Micro or Nanometer Structure describes a topicdiscovered by three winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000: AlanJ. Heeger, University of California at Santa Barbara, Alan G. MacDiarmid atthe University of Pennsylvania, and Hideki Shirakawa at the University ofTsukuba. Since then, the unique properties of conducting polymers have ledto promising applications in functional materials and technologies. The bookfirst briefly summarizes the main concepts of conducting polymers beforeintroducing micro/nanostructured conducting polymers dealing with theirsynthesis, structural characterizations, formation mechanisms, physical and chemical properties, and potential applications in nanomaterials andnanotechnology. The book is intended for researchers in the related fieldsof chemistry, physics, materials, nanomaterials and nanodevices. MeixiangWan is a professor at the Institute .of Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing.


Chapter I Introduction of Conducting Polymers

1.1 Discovery of Conducting Polymers

1.2 Structural Characteristics and Doping Concept

1.3 Charge Carriers and Conducting Mechanism


Chapter 2 Polyaniline as A Promising Conducting Polymer

2.1 Molecular Structure and Proton Doping

2.2 Synthesis Method

2.2.1 Chemical Method

2.2.2 Electro-Chemical Method

2.2.3 Mechano-Chemical Route

2.3 Physical Properties .

2.3.1 Nonlinear Optical (NLO)

2.3.2 Electrical and Charge Transport Properties

2.3.3 Magnetic Properties

2.3.4 Other Properties

2.4 Solubility and Processability

2.4.1 Solubility

2.4.2 Processability


Chapter 3 Physical Properties and Associated Applications of Conducting Polymers

3.1 Electronic Devices

3.1.1 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

3.1.2 Solar Cells

3.2 EMI Shielding and Microwave Absorbing Materials

3.2.1 EMI Shielding Materials

3.2.2 Microwave Absorption Materials (Stealth Materials)

3.3 Rechargeable Batteries and Supercapacitors

3.3.1 Rechargeable Batteries

3.3.2 Supercapacitors

3.4 Sensors

3.5 Electrochromic Devices and Artificial Muscles

3.5.1 Electrochromic Devices

3.5.2 Conducting Polymer-Based Artificial Muscles

3.6 Others

3.6.1 Corrosion Materials

3.6.2 Electrostatic Dissipation Materials

3.6.3 Separated Membrane

3.6.4 Conducting Textiles


Chapter 4 Conducting Polymer Nanostructures

4.1 Synthetic Method and Formation Mechanism

4.1.1 Hard Template Method

4.1.2 Soft Template Method

4.1.3 Other Methods

4.1.4 PEDOT Nanostructures

4.2 Composite Nanostructures

4.2.1 Metal-Conducting Polymer Composite Nanostructures

4.2.2 Conducting Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Composites

4.2.3 Core-Shell Composites

4.2.4 Chiral and Biological Composite Nanostructures

4.2.5 Inorganic Oxide Nano-Crystals and CP Composites

4.3 Physical Properties and Potential Application

4.3.1 Electrical and Transport Properties

4.3.2 Potential Applications

4.3.3 Nano-arrays or Nano-patents


Chapter 5 Template-Free Method to Conducting Polymer MicrofNanostructures

5.1 Template-Free Method

5.1.1 Discovery of Template-Free Method

5.1.2 Universality of Template-Free Method

5.1.3 Controllability of Morphology and Diameter by Template-Free Method

5.1.4 Self-Assembly Mechanism of Micro/Nanostructures by A Template-Free Method

5.2 Multi-Functionality of Micro/Nanostmctures Based on Template-Free Method

5.2.1 Processing Composite Nanostructures

5.2.2 PPy-CNT Composite Nanostructures

5.2.3 Electro-Magnetic Functional Micro/Nanostructures

5.2.4 Electro-Optic Micro/Nanostructures

5.2.5 Super-Hydrophobic 3D-Microstructures Assembled from 1D-Nanofibers

5.3 Mono-Dispersed and Oriented Micro/Nanostructures

5.3. I Template-Free Method Combined with A1203 Template for Oriented Nanowires

5.3.2 Template-Free Method Associated with A Deposition to Mono-Dispersed and Oriented Microspheres

5.4 Electrical and Transport Properties of Conducting Polymer Nanostructures

5.4.1 Room Temperature Conductivity

5.4.2 Temperature Dependence of Conductivity

5.4.3 Electrical Properties of A Single Micro/Nanostructure

5.4.4 Magneto-Resistance

5.5 Special Methods for Micro/Nanostructures of Conducting Polymers

5.5.1 Aniline/Citric Acid Salts as The "Hard-Templates" for Brain-like Nanostructures

5.5.2 Cu20 Crystal as A Hard Template

5.5.3 Water-Assisted Fabrication of PANI-DBSA Honeycomb Structure

5.5.4 Reversed Micro-Emulsion Polymerization

5.6 Potential Applications of Conducting Polymer with Micro/Nanostructures

5.6.1 Microwave Absorbing Materials

5.6.2 EMI Shielding Materials

5.6.3 Conducting Polymer Nanostructure-Based Sensors Guided by Reversible Wettability


Appendix Term Definitions


序言A traditional idea is that organic polymer is regarded as an excellent insulatorbecause of its saturated macromolecule. However, a breakthrough of organicpolymer imitating a metal was coming-out in the 1960s——1970s. It implied electronsin polymers need to be free to move and not bound to the atoms. The breakthroughwas realized by awarders of Nobel Chemistry Prizes in 2000, who were AlanJ. Heeger at the University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, AlanG. MacDiarmid at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, and HidekiShirakawa at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. In 1977, actually, they accidentallydiscovered that room-temperature conductivity of conjugated polyacetylenedoped with iodine was as high as 103 S/cm, which was enhanced by 101~ timescompared with original insulating polyacetylene. The change of the electricalproperties from insulator to conductor was subsequently ascribed to "doping", butcompletely different from the doping concept as applied in inorganic semiconductors.The unexpected discovery not only shattered a traditional idea that organicpolymers are insulators, but also established a new filed of conducting polymersor "synthetic metals".



Preparation of metal quantum dots has been recently received considerableattention in the field of nano-science and nano-technology owing to their interestingoptical, electrical, and catalytic properties. Block copolymer micelles provide anexcellent method for such dispersions, by which the particles of a definite sizecan be formed and stabilized within the core. Thus the nano-sized compartmentsformed in this way can serve as nano-reactors for the stabilization of inorganiccrystallites or clusters, and the particle size and inter-particle distance can becontrolled by the choice of a block copolymer [155]. As a result, the blockcopolymer technique provides an efficient template and allows facile formationof transparent, homogeneous nano-dispersions. Moreover the block copolymertechnique is able to prepare thin films of colloidal polymer stabilized metaldispersions that allow one to prepare the novel functional materials with uniqueoptical and electrical properties. The block copolymer approach has been usedfor the preparation of conducting polymer nanostructures containing metalnano-particles, for instance, gold-PPy core-shell particles or nanostructures ofAu-PPy composites were prepared by using block copolymer micelles as thetemplate [156].

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