

矩阵计算(英文版·第3版)(图灵原版数学·统计学系列)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
  品牌: Gene H.Golub


·页码:644 页












作者简介Gene H.Golub,(1932-2007),美国科学院、工程院和艺术科学院院士,世界著名的数分析专家,现代矩阵计算的奠基人,生前曾任斯坦福大学教授。他是矩阵分解算法的主要贡献者,与William Kahan在1970年给出了奇异值分解(SingularValue Decomposition,SVD)的可行算法,一直沿用至今。他发起组织了工业与应用数学国际会议(Intemational Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,ICIAM)。



Matrix Multiplication Problems .

1.1 Basic Algorithms and Notation 2

1.2 Exploiting Structure 16

1.3 Block Matrices and Algorithms 24

1.4 Vectorization and Re-Use Issues 34

2 Matrix Analysis

2.1 Basic Ideas from Linear Algebra 48

2.2 Vector Norms 52

2.3 Matrix Norms 54

2.4 Finite Precision Matrix Computations 59

2.5 Orthogonality and the SVD 69

2.6 Projections and the CS Decomposition 75

2.7 The Sensitivity of Square Linear Systems 80

3 General Linear Systems

3.1 Triangular Systems 88

3.2 The LU Factorization 94

3.3 Roundoff Analysis of Gaussian Elimination 104

3.4 Pivoting 109

3.5 Improving and Estimating Accuracy 123

4 Special Linear Systems

4.1 The LDMT and LDLT Factorizations 135

4.2 Positive Definite Systems 140

4.3 Banded Systems 152

4.4 Symmetric Indefinite Systems 161

4.5 Block Systems 174

4.6 Vandermonde Systems and the FFT 183

4.7 Toeplitz and Related Systems 193

5 Orthogonalization and Least Squares

5.1 Householder and Givens Matrices 208

5.2 The QR Factorization 223

5.3 The Full Rank LS Problem 236

5.4 Other Orthogonal Factorizations 248

5.5 The Rank Deficient LS Problem 256

5.6 Weighting and Iterative Improvement 264

5.7 Square and Underdetermined Systems 270

6 Parallel Matrix Computations

6.1 Basic Concepts 276

6.2 Matrix Multiplication 292

6.3 Factorizations 300

7 The Unsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem ..

7.1 Properties and Decompositions 310

7.2 Perturbation Theory 320

7.3 Power Iterations 330

7.4 The Hessenberg and Real Schur Forms 341

7.5 The Practical QR Algorithm 352

7.6 Invariant Subspace Computations 362

7.7 The QZ Method for Ax = λ Bx 375

8 The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

8.1 Properties and Decompositions

8.2 Power Iterations 405

8.3 The Symmetric QR Algorithm 414

8.4 Jacobi Methods 426

8.5 Tridiagonal Methods 439

8.6 Computing the SVD 448

8.7 Some Generalized Eigenvalue Problems 461

9 Lanczos Methods

9.1 Derivation and Convergence Properties 471

9.2 Practical Lanczos Procedures 479

9.3 Applications to Ax = b and Least Squares 490

9.4 Arnoldi and Unsymmetric Lanczos 499

10 Iterative Methods for Linear Systems

10.1 The Standard Iterations 509

10.2 The Conjugate Gradient Method 520

10.3 Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients 532

10.4 Other Krylov Subspace Methods 544

11 Functions of Matrices

11.1 Eigenvalue Methods 556

11.2 Approximation Methods 562

11.3 The Matrix Exponential 572

12 Special Topics

12.1 Constrained Least Squares 580

12.2 Subset Selection Using the SVD 590

12.3 Total Least Squares 595

12.4 Computing Subspaces with the SVD 601

12.5 Updating Matrix Factorizations 606

12.6 Modified/Structured Eigenproblems 621

Index 637


序言The field of matfix computations continues to grow and mature.In the Third Edition we have added over 300 new references and 100 new problems.The LINPACK and EISPACK citations have bden replaced with appropriate pointers to LAPACK With key codes tabulated at the beginning of appropriate chapters.

In the first Edition and Second Edition we identified a small number of global refefences:Wilkinson(1965),Forsythe and Moler(1967),Stewart (1973),Hanson and Lawson(1974)and Parlett (1980).These volumes are as important as ever to the research landscape,but there are some mag- nificent new textbooks and monographs on the scene.See The Litemture section that follows.

We continue as before With the practice of giving references at the end of each section and a master bibliography at the end of the book.

The earlier editions suffered from a large number of typographical errors and we are obliged to the dozens of readers who have brought these to our attention.Many corrections and clarifications have been made. Here are some specific highlights of the new edition.Chapter 1(Matrix Multiplication Problems)and Chapter 6(Parallel Matrix Computations) have been completely rewritten with less formality.We think that this facilitates the building of intuition for high performance computing and draws a better line between algorithm and implementation on the printed page.

In Chapter 2(Matrix Analysisl we expanded the treatment of CS de- composition and included a proof.The overview of floating point arithmetic has been brought up to date.In Chapter 4(Special Linear Systems) we embellished the Toeplitz section with connections to circulant matrices and the fast Fourier transform.A subsection on equilibrium systems has been included in our treatment of indefinite systems.

A more accurate rendition of the modified Gram.Schmidt process is oifered in Chapter 5 fOrthogonalization and Least Squares).Chapter 8 (The Symmetric Eigenproblem)has been extensively rewritten and rear ranged SO as to minimize its dependence upon Chapter 7 fThe Unsymmetric Eigenproblem).Indeed,the coupling between these two chapters is now so minimal that it is possible to read either one flrst.



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