
Unlikely Destinations: The Lonely Planet Story

Unlikely Destinations: The Lonely Planet Story  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Biographies & Memoirs 传记,Professionals & Academics 专业及社科,
  品牌: Tony Wheeler; Maureen Wheeler

基本信息·出版社:Periplus Editions

·页码:416 页







内容简介Founders of the phenomenally successful publishing company Lonely Planet, Tony and Maureen Wheeler have produced travel guides to just about every corner of the globe.

Lonely Planet Publications was born in 1973 when the Wheelers self-published a quirky travel guide, Across Asia on the Cheap. This was quickly followed by what soon became the backpackers bible, South-East Asia on a Shoestring. Going boldly where no other travel publisher had ventured, they catered to a new generation of independent, budget-conscious travelers long before the advent of mass tourism.

The Lonely Planet Story is a unique mix of autobiography, business history and travel book. It traces Tony and Maureen Wheeler s personal story as well as the often bumpy evolution of their travel guide business into the world s largest independent travel publishing company.

Not surprisingly, after thirty years in the business the Wheelers have an unrivalled set of anecdotes which they share in The Lonely Planet Story. They have been hassled by customs, cheated by accountants, let down by writers, banned in Malawi, berated for their Burma guide and had books pirated in Vietnam. Tony has been gored by a cow in Benares, declared dead around the world in an assortment of gruesome and greatly exaggerated accounts and their company has been accused of the Lonely Planetization of the world.

Through it all, from the heady days of discovery in the 70s to the rocky patch after the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Wheelers passion for the planet and traveling certainly hasn t diminished, and comes shining through in this enthralling travelogue. But above all, their memoir reveals the spirit of adventure that has made them, according to the New York Daily News, the specialists in guiding weird folks to weird places.

作者简介In the 30-plus years since Tony and Maureen Wheeler started Lonely Planet Publications, it has grown to become the world's largest independent guidebook publisher with more than 500 titles in print. The Wheelers spend six months living in Melbourne, Australia and travel the world for the rest of the year.

编辑推荐From Publishers Weekly

The founders of the popular Lonely Planet travel guides deliver a lively autobiography that is as interesting, informative and amusing as their series itself. After meeting cute in 1970 on Belfast-native Maureen's first week in London, the couple went off on a planned one-year trip through the Far East that ended up with them stranded penniless in Australia, where they decided to publish a short travel guide on Asia that became the basis of their now multinational company. This look back at their almost 40-year career divides neatly into thirds, with the first energetically covering their various travels while they get their business off the ground, such as "incidents in Turkey that began ambiguously and ended with gratuitous acts of kindness"; the second frankly detailing why their early and "often fairly shoddy productions" became popular because they "were still better than anything else around"; and the third refreshingly discussing their current business ventures. Their chapter "All About Guidebooks" serves as an excellent short look at the history and the current state of the travel book market, and they convincingly argue that guidebooks such as theirs have not wrecked once-mysterious locations.(May)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"As spirited and engagingly human as the books that have taught us how and why and where to travel, Tony and Maureen Wheeler's story describes a miracle (from 27 cents to a multi-million dollar empire) that is in its way as inspiring and wondrous as the temples of Pagan or Easter Island's statues. Whether penniless backpackers or heads of a global company, Tony and Maureen somehow always exemplify the very best kind of travelers' enthusiasm and curiosity." --Pico Iyer

"Like Apple and Starbucks and Ben & Jerry's, all of which began as plucky alternatives, Lonely Planet has become a mainstream brand." --The New Yorker

"Now that we've all worked out how to get our bags off the airport carousels, it's time to find out how Lonely Planet really got started; Tony and Maureen Wheeler, to whom all world-wanderers now owe an eternal debt of gratitude, tell their unforgettable story with wit, wisdom and charm: their millions of admirers around what is now a distinctly un-lonely planet will love the tale they have decided to tell." --Simon Winchester

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