
China Entrepreneur: Voices of Experience from 40 Business Pioneers(中国企业家:来自40 位企业开拓者的经验之谈)

China Entrepreneur: Voices of Experience from 40 Business Pioneers(中国企业家:来自40 位企业开拓者的经验之谈)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Business & Investing 经管与理财,International,
  品牌: Juan Antonio Fernandez

基本信息·出版社:John Wiley & Sons

·页码:250 页






·外文书名:中国企业家:来自40 位企业开拓者的经验之谈



但是在这些来到中国寻梦10亿客户的人当中,只有少数人获得了成功。今天在中国开办或者运营一个公司的关键成功因素是什么?这个问题引导胡安‧安东尼奥‧弗南兹博士(中欧国际商学院管理学教授)和劳拉‧安德伍德(知名记者,中欧商学院对外发言人)共同撰写了《中国企业家:来自40 位企业开拓者的经验之谈》一书。


《中国企业家》一书的目的很简单:就是帮助全球的商业人士在中国开办新公司。本书涵盖了在中国开办一个新公司所需要的最关键的程序:取得中国官方必要的批文,寻找开办资金,防止腐败以及与中国的供应商谈判; 并且涵盖了在运营时如何正确的雇佣员工,确保回款顺利,同时保护公司的知识产权等内容。


' Launching a business in China? Give yourself a "second mover advantage." China–bound entrepreneurs and small business owners: learn from experienced China hands before you bring your business to the world′s largest and most dynamic consumer market.

Preparing to manage a small business in China, the world′s largest, most dynamic consumer market? Hundreds of thousands of other international businesspeople are too, but only a small percentage of them will succeed in bringing their start–up dreams to life in the Middle Kingdom.

Give yourself a huge head–start by learning directly from experienced China pioneers. CHINA ENTREPRENEURS delivers street–tested advice on launching, growing, and operating your own business in China. Authors Juan Antonio Fernandez, professor of Management at the China Europe International Business School, and Laurie Underwood, accomplished journalist and Director of External Communications at CEIBS, use their combined 26 years of China experience to interview 40 successful international entrepreneurs who have launched and built businesses in China.

These entrepreneurs share their first–hand advice, anecdotes and best practices in tackling the key challenges of winning in the China market, from negotiating with government and winning necessary start–up approvals, to hiring and keeping the right staff, to collecting payments and to safeguarding intellectual property. In addition, the experiences of the entrepreneurs will be juxtaposed against insights from experienced China consultants who assist start–ups in operating in China. Thus the book will balance extensive, on–the–ground business advice against the insights of consultants who have risen to prominence in the China business environment by advising SME business operators on succeeding in China.

媒体推荐Reviews ofChina Entrepreneur: Voices of Experience from 40 International Business Pioneers

"China Entrepreneur is an invaluable distillation of the practical real life lessons of 40 creative entrepreneurs from diverse industries who have overcome numerous obstacles to achieve success on China’s business frontlines. If you want to learn the lessons, earn the value of these trailblazers, reduce market-entry tuition, this book is a must.

The authors have interviewed individuals who share an ethos of success. The book summarizes the bottom-line take-away lessons of these intrepid business people in easily digestible no-nonsense nuggets and quotes. The responses are organized around the key success/failure critical pathway challenges such as start-up issues, customer targeting and collections, human resource challenges, ethics and corruption, business negotiations, survival kit for living in China and the necessary traits and expertise to succeed in China. Any business person who fails to account for how these issues are handled differently “with Chinese characteristics” will soon be reminded by the market of Dorothy’s Wizard of Oz statement “Toto, this isn’t Kansas.” The shared insights and wisdom are spot on.

The selected issues cover the beginning and middle stage of every foreign invested company’s life cycle in China. The wisdom being shared are the pivotal points on which success and failure of every foreign business in China turns, no matter how big or small. It is still about the basic lessons-- lessons that are invaluable for those who wish to save time and money to maximize their effectiveness in this fiercely competitive market. China is the frontlines battleground of the business world. The experiences and wisdom of these 40 school of hard knocks experts can contribute to the completion of every CXO’s “art of war” China market strategy. This book adds practical insights and problem solving operational tools to every CXO’s toolbox, regardless of whether one is a business executive/manager reaching for targeted niches, competitive advantage in price points and supply chain restructuring or in the world-wide competition for market share and profits.

While this book went to print just prior to the global economic deceleration, it is now more relevant and not mooted or overtaken by the events of the worldwide re-alignment. In fact, as China’s government is forced to accelerate bureaucratic and structural reforms to deliver more real growth rather than statistical growth, the lessons of these entrepreneurs takes on added significance since they have successfully generated real value in China. Why do I say that this book has taken on added significance with the recent crisis? In the final chapter, the authors were prescient when they focused on the must-have traits for successful entrepreneurs, the tools for surviving the tough times and the prediction on the endgame and China’s future. With so many sophomoric trendy and “don’t get ripped off by the Chinese market” doing business books, this collection of voices from the frontlines is not only a relief, but in fact genuinely helpful and a solid reference for those committed to winning in the China market. As a 35 year veteran of the China market (which teaches me to think like a newbie and question everything on a daily basis) learning about the thought processes of these entrepreneurs helps teach us how to successfully thread the needle and navigate the evolving minefield of business in China.

China Entrepreneur is a valuable practical resource for the China business community and is an invaluable compendium of real life lessons from the frontlines. This book is about smart people sharing their experiences so others can change the trajectory and velocity of the learning curve in China."


Juan Antonio Fernandez and Laurie Underwood

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte.Ltd.



Nicholas V. Chen, Managing Partner

Pamir Law Group, Shanghai


International Business/Legal Facilitator-Consultant in China for 35 Years

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