
The Time Machine

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Literature & Fiction 文学/小说,Classics 名著,
  品牌: H. G. Wells

基本信息·出版社:Dover Publications Inc.

·页码:80 页







内容简介Classic science-fiction novel recounts the adventures of a hypothetical Time-Traveller who journeys into the future.

作者简介HG Wells was born in Bromley, Kent in 1866. After working as a draper's apprentice and pupil-teacher, he won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in 1884, studying under T H Huxley. He was awarded a first-class honours degree in biology and resumed teaching but had to retire after a kick from an ill-natured pupil afflicted his kidneys. He worked in poverty in London as a crammer while experimenting in journalism and stories. It was with The Time Machine (1895) that he had his real breakthrough.--This text refers to thePaperbackedition.

编辑推荐From School Library Journal

Grade 3-5-- An adaptation of a major portion of H. G. Wells's classic. Rapid-fire short sentences and sentence fragments set the pace and add to the intensity of the action. The Time Traveler and several of his friends are quickly introduced, and then readers are immediately drawn into the future world. The protagonist narrowly survives his initial travels, returning to tell his friends about his harrowing adventures. He sets off once again, leaving the story's end in question--possibly motivating readers to turn to the original for further exploration. Eden's numerous black-and-white drawings are effective in enhancing the narrative. While certainly not a substitute or replacement for the depth and perspectives offered by the real thing, this version lends itself to presentation and discussion with young readers about the genre and about Wells's creative genius in an era long before Steven Spielberg. --Janie Schomberg, Leal Elementary School, Urbana, IL

Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to thePaperbackedition.

From Library Journal

This abridged classic is buoyed by a spirited dramatization featuring Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie, also known, respectively, as "Spock" and "Q" to Star TrekR fans. The Time Traveler's tale of the future is a disturbing vision of the human situation as it appeared to Wells in the late 19th century. The Traveler encounters a community consisting of only two species of animals: the barbaric Morlocks and the gentle Eloi. The evolution of these two species began in industrialized England. Nimoy, as the Time Traveler, and de Lancie, as his 19th-century friend and confidant, are superb in their roles and clearly having fun with this production. The supporting crew of readers provide a robust atmosphere of doubt, debate, and incredulity. This work is part of a promising new sf series distributed by Simon & Schuster Audio. Highly recommended.?Ray Vignovich, West Des Moines P.L., Iowa

Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


First novel by H.G. Wells, published in book form in 1895. The novel is considered one of the earliest works of science fiction and the progenitor of the "time travel" subgenre. Wells advanced his social and political ideas in this narrative of a nameless Time Traveller who is hurtled into the year 802,701 by his elaborate ivory, crystal, and brass contraption. The world he finds is peopled by two races: the decadent Eloi, fluttery and useless, are dependent for food, clothing, and shelter on the simian subterranean Morlocks, who prey on them. The two races--whose names are borrowed from the Biblical Eli and Moloch--symbolize Wells's vision of the eventual result of unchecked capitalism: a neurasthenic upper class that would eventually be devoured by a proletariat driven to the depths. --The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature

W. A. Dwiggins has illustrated this new edition of one of Wells' most famous stories, previously available only in a high-priced limited edition. (Kirkus Reviews)--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


“[Wells] contrives to give over humanity into the clutches of the Impossible and yet manages to keep it down (or up) to its humanity, to its flesh, blood, sorrow, folly.” —Joseph Conrad

From the Trade Paperback edition.--This text refers to thePaperbackedition.

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