
Walk Two Moons (Trophy Newbery) (Paperback)

Walk Two Moons (Trophy Newbery) (Paperback)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Children's Book 儿童书,Ages 9-12 9~12岁少儿,
  品牌: Sharon Creech


·页码:288 页








"How about a story? Spin us a yarn."

Instantly, Phoebe Winterbottom came to mind. "I could tell you an extensively strange story," I warned.

"Oh, good!" Gram said. "Delicious!"

And that is how I happened to tell them about Phoebe, her disappearing mother, and the lunatic.

As Sal entertains her grandparents with Phoebe's outrageous story, her own story begins to unfold--the story of a thirteen-year-old girl whose only wish is to be reunited with her missing mother.

In her own award-winning style, Sharon Creech intricately weaves together two tales, one funny, one bittersweet, to create a heartwarming, compelling, and utterly moving story of love, loss, and the complexity of human emotion.

Winner of the 1995 Newbery Medal

A 1995ALA Notable Children's Book

School Library JournalBest Book of 1994

Winner of a 1994Bulletin Blue Ribbon

A Notable Children's Trade Book in the Language Arts (NCTE)

Winner of the 1997 Heartland Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature

Winner, 1995 Newbery Medal

Notable Children's Books of 1995 (ALA)

1995 Notable Trade Books in the Language Arts (NCTE)

Children's Book Award for Longer Novels (Great Britain's Federation of Children's Books Groups)

Outstanding Books of 1994 for Middle School-Aged Teens (V)

Best Books 1994 (SLJ)

Bulletin Blue Ribbon Books 1994 (C)

作者简介Sharon Creech is the Newbery Medal-winning author ofWalk Two Moons. Her other novels includeThe Wanderer,a Newbery Honor Book,Bloomability, Absolutely Normal Chaos, Chasing Redbird,andPleasing The Ghost.She has also written two picture books,A Fine, Fine SchoolandFishing In The Air. After spending eighteen years teaching and writing in Europe, Sharon Creech and her husband have returned to the United States to live.

编辑推荐Amazon.com Review

Thirteen-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle's mother has disappeared. While tracing her steps on a car trip from Ohio to Idaho with her grandparents, Salamanca tells a story to pass the time about a friend named Phoebe Winterbottom whose mother vanished and who received secret messages after her disappearance. One of them read, "Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins." Despite her father's warning that she is "fishing in the air," Salamanca hopes to bring her home. By drawing strength from her Native American ancestry, she is able to face the truth about her mother. Walk Two Moonswon the 1995Newbery Medal.--This text refers to theHardcoveredition.

From School Library Journal

Grade 6-9-An engaging story of love and loss, told with humor and suspense. Thirteen-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle's mother leaves home suddenly on a spiritual quest, vowing to return, but can't keep her promise. The girl and her father leave their farm in Kentucky and move to Ohio, where Sal meets Phoebe Winterbottom, also 13. While Sal accompanies her eccentric grandparents on a six-day drive to Idaho to retrace her mother's route, she entertains them with the tale of Phoebe, whose mother has also left home. While this story-within-a-story is a potentially difficult device, in the hands of this capable author it works well to create suspense, keep readers' interest, and draw parallels between the situations and reactions of the two girls. Sal's emotional journey through the grieving process-from denial to anger and finally to acceptance-is depicted realistically and with feeling. Indeed, her initial confusion and repression of the truth are mirrored in the book. Overall, a richly layered novel about real and metaphorical journeys.

Connie Tyrrell Burns, Mahoney Middle School, South Portland, ME

Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to theHardcoveredition.


Gr. 7-9. Thirteen-year-old Sal Hiddle can't deal with all the upheaval in her life. Her mother, Sugar, is in Idaho, and although Sugar promised to return before the tulips bloomed, she hasn't come back. Instead, Mr. Hiddle has moved Sal from the farm she loves so much and has even taken up company with the unpleasantly named Mrs. Cadaver. Multilayered, the book tells the story of Sal's trip to Idaho with her grandparents; and as the car clatters along, Sal tells her grandparents the story of her friend Phoebe, who receives messages from a "lunatic" and who must cope with the disappearance of her mother. The novel is ambitious and successful on many fronts: the characters, even the adults, are fully realized; the story certainly keeps readers' interest; and the pacing is good throughout. But Creech's surprises--that Phoebe's mother has an illegitimate son and that Sugar is buried in Idaho, where she died after a bus accident--are obvious in the first case and contrived in the second. Sal knows her mother is dead; that Creech makes readers think otherwise seems a cheat, though one, it must be admitted, that may bother adults more than kids. Still, when Sal's on the road with her grandparents, spinning Phoebe's yarn and trying to untangle her own, this story sings.Ilene Cooper--This text refers to theHardcoveredition.

From Kirkus Reviews

During the six days it takes Sal's paternal grandparents to drive her west to Idaho in time for her mother's birthday, she tells them about her friend Phoebe--a story that, the 13-year-old comes to realize, in many ways parallels her own: Each girl had a mother who left home without warning. The mystery of Phoebe's more conventional mother's disappearance and its effects on her family and eventual explanation unfold as the journey, with its own offbeat incidents, proceeds; meanwhile, in Sal's intricate narrative, the tragic events surrounding her mother's flight are also gradually revealed. After Sal fell from a tree, her mother carried her back to the house; soon after, she bore a stillborn child. Slowly, the love between Sal's parents, her mother's inconsolable grief, and Sal's life since her departure emerge; last to surface are the painful facts that Sal has been most reluctant to face. Creech, an American who has published novels in Britain, fashions characters with humor and sensitivity, but Sal's poignant story would have been stronger without quite so many remarkable coincidences or such a tidy sum of epiphanies at the end. Still, its revelations make a fine yarn. (Fiction. 10- 14) --Copyright ©1994, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.--This text refers to theHardcoveredition.


"The book is packed with humor and affection and is an odyssey of unexpected twists and surprising conclusions." ----1995 Newbery Award Selection Committee.

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