
分類: 教育音像与电子出版物,其他,
内容简介After staying in the United States for seventeen years,I had the opportunity to return to China and work for a Chinese-American joint venture.We have a group of expatriates working in China.Tough some of them have been in China for a long time(about five years),it is still quite dificult for them to communicate with their Chinese golleagues,either in English or Chinese.My expatriate colleagues expressed to me the need to have a pocket-sized book that would help them with their everyday life,both at work and at leisure.It would serve as a survival tool for foreigners,especially for those just arriving in China.
The book is pocket-sized,and comes with an MP3 disc,In the disc,the "Key words and Expressions"and "Patterns"precede the "Dialogue"to help you lay the groundwork,with both English and Chinese available.
Chapter 1:Starting with ACB
Pinyin Table and Pronunciation
The Four Tones
Chapter 2:Greetings
Informal Greetings
Formal Greetings
Chapter 3:Food and Drinks
Ordering Food in a Restaurant
Asking for Help in a Restaurant
Requesting a Receiptt
Eating in a Cafeteria
Invited to a Family Dinner
Going to a Bar
Chapter 4:Living
Chapter 5:Travel
Appendix One:Popular Dishes in China
Appendix Two:Beverages
Appendix Three:Chinese Numbers
Appendix Four:Day,Date and Time
Appendix Five:Chinese Festivals
Appendix Six:Hotels in China
Appendix Seven:Measure Words
Appendix Eight:Patterns
·片长:90 分
·包装高:1.19 厘米
·包装长度:13.59 厘米
·包装重:117.93 克
·包装宽度:9.60 厘米