
分類: 图书,科学与自然,地理学,综合,
品牌: 罗曼·罗兰
·页码:250 页
内容简介《甘地传》中甘地在印度人眼中,是“圣雄”,是“国父”。是民族的光荣,是人类历史上难得的伟人。邱吉尔说他是“光膀子的苦行僧”。罗曼·罗兰给了他“神圣的骡子”封号。在甘地八十年生命进而,他追求真理,探索未知。他主张“非暴力”的抗争方式。他弘扬“真理的力理”理念 。他提倡“不合作”运动,他细细的嗓音和慈祥的微笑,唤起了一个新的世界,印芳终于走出黑暗,重获自由。
作者简介罗曼·罗兰(Romain Rolland,1866~1944)19世纪末20世纪初法国著名的批判现实主义作家、音乐史学家、社会活动家。罗曼·罗兰出生于律师家庭,上大学期间曾与托尔斯泰通信,托尔斯泰“不以暴力抗恶”、“道德上的自我修养”、“博爱”等思想对他产生深刻影响;其民主主义、对资本主义世界及其文化的批判,又形成了罗曼·罗兰世界观和创作中最突出的优点。代表作《约翰·克利斯朵夫》被高尔基称为“长篇叙事诗”,被誉为20世纪最伟大的小说。由《约翰·克利斯朵夫》始,罗曼·罗兰开创了一种独特的小说风格。该巨著获得1913年法兰西学士院文学奖,1915年获该年度诺贝尔文学奖。
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The resemblance between the twomen is greatest,or perhaps Tolstoi’S in-fluence has been strongest,in their con-demnation of European and 0ceidental
Ever since Rousseau ourWesterncivilization has been attacked by thefreest and broadest minds of Europe.when Asia began to wake to a realiza-tion of her own Power and revoltagainst Western oppression,she hadonh,to peer into Europe’S oxvn files tocompile formidable records of the ini-quity of her SO-ealled civilized invaders.Gandhi did not fail to do SO,and in his
“Hind Swaraj”he cites a list of books,many of which were written by Eng-lishmen,condemning European civiliza-tion. But the document to which therecan beno rejoinder is that whichEurope herself has traced in the life-blood of races oppressed and despoiledin the name of lying principles and,above all, in the brazen revelation ofEurope's lies, greed, and ferocity asunfolded during the last war, called the“War for Civilization.” And in itEurope sank to such depths that in herinsanity she even invited the peoples ofAsia and Africa to contemplate her
nudity. They saw her and judged her.
The last war has shown as nothing elsehas theSatanic1natureofthecivilizationthat dominates Europe to-day. Everycanon of public morality has been broken bythe victors in the name of virtue. No liehas been considered too foul to be uttered.
The motive behind every crime is not re-ligious or spiritual but grossly material...Europe to-day is only nominally Christian.In reality it is worshipping Mammon.2
You will find sentiments such asthese expressed again and again, duringthe last five vears, both in India and 1 A term often used by Gandhi. “Untouchability
is an invention of Satan.” (June 19, 1921.)2 September 8, 1920. Japan. Leaders too prudent to voicethem openly show by their attitude thatsuch is their inmost conviction. Thisis not the least disastrous result of the:Pyrrhic victory of 1918.