分類: 图书,小说(旧类),世界名著,综合,
品牌: 海明威
·页码:218 页
内容简介《永别了,武器》(英文版)故事讲述的是一战中,在意大利救护车队服役的美国中尉弗雷德里克·亨利爱上了英军护士凯瑟琳·巴克利。亨利在一次敌军轰炸中负伤,凯瑟琳在医院护理他,俩人共同度过了一段愉快的时光,后来,凯瑟琳怀孕了,亨利重返前线,他发现战友里纳尔迪因厌战而情绪消沉。在部队撤退中,亨利化装逃跑去与凯瑟琳相会,中途历经艰险。不久,他身份暴露,遭到追捕,俩人便一起逃往瑞士,在那里他们等待自己的孩子出生,然而,等到的却是婴儿夭折,凯瑟琳身亡,亨利孤身单影,漂泊异乡。 亨利与凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧提示了那场荒唐战争留给青年一代难以愈合的精神创伤。
作者简介海明威(1899~1961)美∷导摇⑴当炊难Ы被竦谜摺?899年7月21日生于芝加哥市郊橡胶园小镇。父亲是医生和体育爱好者,母亲从事音乐教育。6个兄弟姐妹中,他排行第二,从小酷爱体育、捕鱼和狩猎。中学毕业后曾去法国等地旅行,回国后当过见习记者。第一次大战爆发后,他志愿赴意大利当战地救护车司机。1918年夏在前线被炮弹炸成重伤,回国休养。后来去加拿大多伦多市星报任记者。1921年重返巴黎,结识美国女作家斯坦因、青年作家安德森和诗人庞德等。1923年发表处女作《三个短篇小说和十首诗》,随后游历欧洲各国。1926年出版了长篇小说《太阳照样升起》,初获成功,被斯坦因称为“迷惘的一代\1929年,反映第一次世界大战的长篇巨著《永别了,武器》的问世给作家带来了声誉。 30年代初,海明威到非洲旅行和狩猎。1935年写成《非洲的青山》和一些短篇小说。 1937年发表了描写美国与古巴之间海上走私活动的小说《有的和无的》。
That morningthemajorin hcarge oftheward asked me if feltthat I could trave the next day.I saidI could.Hc saidthen dlcvwonid shipme OUt earlyin
themonfing.Hc saidlwould bebeRcr offmakingthetrip now beforeit gottoo 110t.
Whclltheylmd you up out ofbedto carry youintothe dressing-roomyou
couldlook out ofthcwindow and$CCthe ncw gravesinthe garden.A 80Idicr sat
outsidethe doorthat opened onto dlc garden,making CFOSSCS and painting on
them the rifles,rank,and regiment ofthemenwhowcrc buriedinthc~~vctrdcn.
Hc also ran errands for thc ward.and in his spare timc made me a cigarette.
1igjtcr Out of an cmpty Austrian ritlc—camidgc.,Ih:doctors were vcry nice and
seemed very capable.They wcrc anxious t0 ship me to Milan.whcere there wcrc
better X-ray facilidcs and whcrc.afh tIlc operation.I could takc mcchanico.
flmapy.1wanted c0 got0Milantoo.Theywantedto getus all OUtand back as
far as possible because all thc beds wcrc needed for the offensive,when it should
The nigbtbeforeIIcRthefidd hospitalRinaldi cameinto sccme wicllthe
makpr orfrom 011r mess.They said that 1 would go to an American hospiml in
Milanthat hadjustbeeninstalled.SomeAmerican ainbniance units wcrctobe
sent down,andthis hospitalwouldlook afterthem andany otherAmericans on
8~~rviceinItaIv.Therewcremanyinthc Red C~~085.ne States had dcdared
war onGermany,but not onAustria.
The Italians were sure America would dedarc wal"on Ausaia too.and they
we.re very excited about any Americans coming down。even the Red Cross.
They askcdmeifIthoughtPresidentWilsonwould dcclarewar onAmtria andI
saiditwas only amaRcr ofday.1 did not know whatwe had against AustriⅡ.0
but it seemed logical that they~~onid declare war on her if they did on
Germany.They askedmcifwcwould dcclarewar onTurkey.I saidthatwas
doubtful.Twkey ,I said,was national bird,0 but the ioke trailslated so
badly and