
分類: 图书,教材教辅与参考书,大学,经管专业,
品牌: 巴尼特等著
·页码:742 页
PART ONE A Library of Elemententary Functions 1
cHAPTER 1 ABeginningLibraryofElementaryFunctions 3
1.1 Functions 3
1.2 Elementary Functions:Graphs and Transformations 23
1.3 Linear Functions and Straight Lines 36
1。4 Quadratic Functions 53
1.l FunCtions1.2 Elementary Functions:Graphs and Transformations1.3 Linear Functions and Straight Lines1.4 Quadratic Functionslmportant Terms and SymbolsReview ExerciseGroup Activity 1:Introduction to Regression Analysis .Group Activity 2:Mathematical Modeling in BusinessINTRODUCTIONThe function concept is one of the most important ideas in mathematics.The study of mathematics beyond the elementary level requires a firm under"standing of a basic list of elementary functions,their properties,and their graphs.See the inside front cover of this book for a list of the functions that form our library of elementary functions.Most functions in the fist will be introduced to you by the end of Chapter 2 and should become a part of your mathematical toolbox for use in this and most future courses or activities that involve mathematics.A few more elementary functions may be added to these in other courses,but the functions listed inside the front cover are more than sufficiant for all the applications in this text.Functions口CARTESIAN COORDINATE SYSTEM口GRAPHING:POINT-BY-POINT口DEHNITION OF A FuNCTION口FuNCTIONS SPECIFIED BY EQUATIONS口FUNCTION NOTATION口 APPLICATIONS After a brief review of the Cartesian(rectangular)coordinate system in the plane and point-by-point graphing,we discuss the concept of function,one of the most important ideas in mathematics. (P3)