
分類: 图书,计算机与互联网,软件工程及软件方法学,软件工程理论,
品牌: 巴顿
·页码:389 页
作者简介Ron Patton,具有15年软件测试和软件质量保证的工作经验,曾就职于德州仪器公司、西门子公司和微软公司。他从事的项目涉及任务关键型工厂自动化生产设备、多媒体开发工具、儿童娱乐和教育光盘、计算机外设及电动Barney玩偶。他现在是一个独立的软件咨询师,还是美国红十字会西雅图区的志愿者后勤部长。
Part 1 The Big Picture
1 Software Testing Background
2 The Software Development Process
3 The Realities of Software Testing
Part II Tesing Fundamentals
4 Examining the Specification
5 Testing the Software with Blinders On
6 Examining the Code
7 Testing the Software with X-Ray Glasses
Part III Applying Your Tesing Skills
8 Configuration Testing
9 Compatibility Testing
10 Foreign-Language Testing
11 Usability Tesing
12 Testing the Documentation
13 Testing for Software Security
14 Website Testing
Part IV Supplementing Your Testing
15 Automated Testing and Test Tools
16 Bug Bashes and Beta Testing
Part V Working with Test Documentation
17 Planning Your Test Effort
18 Writing and Tracking test Cases
19 Reporting What You Find
20 Measuring Your Success
Part VI The Future
21 Software Quality Assurance
22 Your Career as a Software Tester
A Answers to Quiz Questions
序言It seems as though each day there's yet another news story about a computer software problem or security breach: a bank reporting incorrect account balances, a Mars lander lost in space, a grocery store scanner charging too much for bananas, or a hacker gaining access to millions of credit card numbers. Why does this happen? Can't computer programmers figure out ways to make software just plain work? Unfortunately, no. As software gets more complex, gains more features, and is more interconnected, it becomes more and more difficult——actuall..