转换生成语法教程(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库)(Transformational Grammar)

分類: 图书,语言文字,汉语,汉语词汇(训诂学),成语格言,
品牌: Radford
·页码:630 页
·外文书名:Transformational Grammar
内容简介Andrew Radford's new textbook is principally for students with little or no background in syntax who need a lively and up-to-date introduction to contemporary work on transformational grammar. It covers four main topies-the function of transformations and the principles governingtheir application. The framework takes into account the major works such as Chomsky's Knowledge of Language and Barriers wirtten since the publication of Radford's widely acclaimed Transformational Syntax in 1981. Not only does the present book use a more recent theoretical framework. but at the descriptive level it covers a wider range of constructions and rules than its predecessor. Andrew Radford is well known for his effective pedagogical approach, and in this book even more care has been devoted to providing a sympathetic and non-technical introduction to the field. At the end of each chapter are exercises which reinforce the text, enable sutdents to apply the various concepts, etc. discussed, or encourage them to look more critically at some of the saaumptions and analyses presented. The book also has a detailed bibliographical background section and an extensive bibliography which will be a useful source of reference to the primary literature. Although intended principally as a coursebookfor students of syntax or English grammar. Transformational Grammar will be invaluable to any reader who needs a straightforward and comprehensive introduction to the latest developments in this field.
Preface by Halliday
1 Goals
1.1 Overview
1.2 Grammatical competence
1.3 Basic concepts and fundamental misconceptions
1.4 Competence as infinite rule-governed creativity
1.5 Discovering the rules
1.6 Levels of adequacy
1.7 Constraining grammars
1.8 Constraints,universals,and acquisition
1.9 Markedness and Core Grammar
1.10 Summary
2 Structure
2.1 Overview
2.2 Intuitions about Structure
2.3 Word-level categories
2.4 Phrasal categories:nonsyntactic evidence
2.5 Phrasal categories:distributional evidence
2.6 Phrasaal categories:other syntactic evidence
2.7 Words used as Phrases
2.8 Testing the Structure
2.9 Summary
3 Phrase-markers
3.1 Overview
3.2 The nature of Phrase-markers
4 Noun Phrases
5 Other Phrases
6 Clauses
7 The Lexicon
8 Transformations