
分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,综合,
品牌: 孙萍
·页码:144 页
Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills
Unit One Learning
Text A Learning and the Brain
Text B Corporate Learning
Unit Two Employer and Employee Satisfaction
Text A Telecommuting
Text B Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Unit Three Social Problems
Text A Workplace Violence is a Source of and Reaction to Stress
Text B Police Handling of Gangs
Unit Four Strategies
Text A What's the Best Way for Society to Work with the World at Large?
Text B Effort and Strategy Use in Students with Learning Disabilities
Unit Five Traffic and Transportation
Text A What's the Use?
Text B Shifting Gears
Unit Six National and International Politics
Text A Europe's Food Fight
Text B Politics in America
Unit Seven New Technologies
Text A New Technologies Create New Problems
Text B A Thing Called Radar Wine
Unit Eight Competition
Text A Knowledge-Based Competmon
Text B The Benefit of Market Knowledge
Unit Nine Energy
Text A Energy Sources and Uses
Text B A Lot of Hot Air
Unit Ten Health
Text A Sunshine Before Birth Could Be Crucial for Brain Development
Text B New Data on Methylmercury and Fetuses
Unit Eleven Forest and Nature
Text A Making Mincemeat out of the Rainforest
Text B Tropical Forests
Unit Twelve Ecosystem
Text A Can Ecosystems Be Restored?
Text B From Industry Revolution to Environmental Revolution
Unit Thirteen Deserts
Text A Deserts
Text B Sahara: A Sea Without Water
Unit Fourteen Tourist Attractions
Text A Grand Canyon National Park
Text B Scotland's Royal Mile
Unit Fifteen Matters of Public Concern
Text A Privacy, Neither Absolute Nor Highly Valued
Text B American Society on Aging
Unit Sixteen Invention
Text A Capturing an Image for All Time
Text B The Root of All Economics
Unit Seventeen Environment
Text A European Youth Face Environmental Hazards
Text B Ozone, Naturally?
Unit Eighteen Living Species
Text A Warming to Extinction
Text B Cold-Water Corals Abound, As Do Threats
Answer Key
英语阅读能力包含多种要素,而快速处理阅读材料所输入信息的能力是其中极其重要的微技能,这一点早已为阅读研究者所认识。Grabe(1991)曾经指出:“…a description of reading has to account for the:notions that fluent:reading is rapid,pm~poseful,interactive,comprehending,flexible,and gradually developing.”。Taylor(1975)也强调“reading has to be fast to be successful.”一定的阅读速度获取主要信息所必需的,是保持阅读兴趣、专注于阅读内容所要求的。尤其是在当今这个“信息爆炸”、新知识以几何级增长的时代,快速阅读技能的重要性愈加突出。这样,快速阅读技能的培养也就必然成为大学英语教学的要务。而大学英语教学中要致力于快速阅读教学,就需要有适当的教材作支撑,适用的教材是保证教学活动顺利开展的必要条件。《大学体验英语快速阅读教程))的编写正是为了满足目前国内大学英语教学的这一实际需要。
本教程共四册,每册含18个单元,可供大学英语教学1~4学期使用(按每学期18周,每周一个单元计)。各册中每单元分Text A和T'ext B(一篇用于课堂,另一篇供课后练习)。每册配有“Introduction to Important ReadingStrategies and SkilIs"。本教程的编写采取“主题与技能”相结合的模式,即单元设置围绕内容主题,练习设计针对阅读技能与文章内容。第一、二册练习包括多项选择与正误判断两种题型,第三、四册练习包括多项选择与简短问答两种题型。书后附有全书练习的参考答案。

Telecommuting has become a popular work arrangement in many Canadian organizations.It is estimated that over one million Canadians telecommute by working several days a week out of the office.Although about 80 percent of telecommuting is done informally without a wri~en agreement,some companies,such as Nortel Networks and the Ministry of Finance in British Columbia,have formal telecommuting programs.
Nortel began telecommuting in 1 995 with 250 trial steelworkers.Today,1 5 000 of the company’S 80 000 employees telecommute.The goal is to make telecommuters out of all employees in certain types of jobs,such as sales,engineering,and software programming.
The company allows managers and employees to decideif telecommuting will work for a particular situation.Once a worker receives the green light,Nortel supplies the home office with a computer and other related equipment,high-speed Internet access,ergonomic(工效的)furniture,and technical support.Employees also receive guidance and a~end a teIecommuting training program.
For example.a Nortel software engineer working at home would typically receive instructions on a project(perhaps by messenger,computer download,or e-mail),keep in touch with other team members by phone,and send completed work t0 a central computer which maV be in a different city Or even country.
Nortel has also been leading the way in distant staffin&employi、ng people in distant locations who telecommute.In 1 994,the company wanted to hire a vice president for global enterpris.e services,but he refused to leave Philadelphia to go to the Nashville,Tennessee-based service operation.As a result.Nortel reached an agreement that allowed him t0 work from home while managing a staff of approximately 2 000 people.He interacts with his staff using high-speed data links into his house for video-conferencing.
At Nortel,telecommuting is considered a win-win situatio